Add Tim Pool to that mix. The dude can't see the obviously blatant fraud right in his face and keeps claiming Biden won because of ballot harvesting only. Yes, ballot harvesting most likely was happening, but it was NOT the main mode of fraud. Deleting votes, switching votes, mail-in ballots coming from non-existent addresses, etc, were the biggest culprits.
he makes videos every day about how evil the DS is and how much media blatantly lies... but also seems sure they'd never steal an election lol (even though he's made videos on them rigging it in front of him...)
IRL crew also had a massive meltdown last night over the US Corporation conspiracy theory and how stupid QAnon is etc.
Yes I saw that meltdown too. They were strawmanning it and making it seem crazier than it actually is. If they knew anything about the history of the US or how it actually operated they would know about the US Corporation thing. Instead they just laugh. I wonder how much they'll be laughing when everything falls into place and Q is proven true? (They also were very confused as to why Trump keeps re-truthing Q related things, lol. Gee I wonder why he keeps doing that??)
Tim Tool is doing exactly what he is told to do. He serves the function of a lead in to a larger disclosure. By staying on the "no election fraud" side of the fence, he caters to those who are beginning to ask questions, but aren't quite sure the problem is "that bad."
If he said, "there was election fraud," the MSM would have great soundbites to label him as a full on conspiracy theorist. By staying on the other side of that fence, he caters to those who are "asking questions" but still think "conspiracy theorist" means "someone to stay away from" instead of "someone to take notes from".
The Liza Bleu thing bothered me more than Jack Murphy (though I really really dislike him and what he did too) but the Liza thing is so much more insulting because they KNEW how crazy she was yet they let her on the show and keep blabbing her lies, then literally never mentioned her again like they'd never had her on.
Add Tim Pool to that mix. The dude can't see the obviously blatant fraud right in his face and keeps claiming Biden won because of ballot harvesting only. Yes, ballot harvesting most likely was happening, but it was NOT the main mode of fraud. Deleting votes, switching votes, mail-in ballots coming from non-existent addresses, etc, were the biggest culprits.
he makes videos every day about how evil the DS is and how much media blatantly lies... but also seems sure they'd never steal an election lol (even though he's made videos on them rigging it in front of him...)
IRL crew also had a massive meltdown last night over the US Corporation conspiracy theory and how stupid QAnon is etc.
Yes I saw that meltdown too. They were strawmanning it and making it seem crazier than it actually is. If they knew anything about the history of the US or how it actually operated they would know about the US Corporation thing. Instead they just laugh. I wonder how much they'll be laughing when everything falls into place and Q is proven true? (They also were very confused as to why Trump keeps re-truthing Q related things, lol. Gee I wonder why he keeps doing that??)
I lol'd when Tim said "he looked into the Q stuff and it's all nonsense"
Yet he talks about everything Q says is happening every day in his videos!!
I've never really paid much heed / given much credence to the US Corporation theory.... do you believe in it?
Do you have any links you could share?
My mind is open, just what I've heard so far doesn't convince me....
The whole "fringed / un-fringed flag" thing is just ......grasping at straws.....
Tim Tool is doing exactly what he is told to do. He serves the function of a lead in to a larger disclosure. By staying on the "no election fraud" side of the fence, he caters to those who are beginning to ask questions, but aren't quite sure the problem is "that bad."
If he said, "there was election fraud," the MSM would have great soundbites to label him as a full on conspiracy theorist. By staying on the other side of that fence, he caters to those who are "asking questions" but still think "conspiracy theorist" means "someone to stay away from" instead of "someone to take notes from".
He won’t see because his controllers have forbidden him from acknowledging it, probably under pain of death.
I think it was a death of a thousand cuts. I bet both sides have plenty of way to cheat and it had been going on for a long time.
Jack murphy jack murphy..liza bleu liza bleu
The Liza Bleu thing bothered me more than Jack Murphy (though I really really dislike him and what he did too) but the Liza thing is so much more insulting because they KNEW how crazy she was yet they let her on the show and keep blabbing her lies, then literally never mentioned her again like they'd never had her on.