posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +189 / -0


Executive summary

We finally have the “gold standard" ground truth data that nobody can argue with showing that the COVID vaccines were a disaster for the elderly, the very population they were meant to protect.

The source of the data? Weekly infection, mortality reports from over 15,000 US nursing homes who were required to report their numbers to Medicare (aka CMS).

What makes this so important is that around 40% of the COVID deaths were in nursing homes. So nursing home COVID infection and death data is the “holy grail.” You cannot get any better than this.

And we set up the analysis to look when the variant matched the vaccine, and limited our analysis to the few months after vaccination before immunity starts to wane. So we set up the vaccine for success. We did everything possible to find the strongest possible signal of effectiveness.

So if this data is bad, it’s all over. There is no place to hide.

And the data is bad. Really bad. It would be hard to analyze this data and show it is a success.

CMS made a huge mistake by making the US Nursing home COVID data public where anyone who wanted to know the truth could analyze. Data transparency means that the truth is in plain sight. That’s really bad for the narrative.

So I did what any respectable “misinformation superspreader” would do… I downloaded the data and analyzed it.

I analyzed the data using 3 different methods (see my Excel spreadsheet) that I thought would be fair and objective and the results were consistent. If the vaccines really worked, the IFR in the months after the vaccine (after a waiting period) should have plummeted, but it went up by 20%.

In addition, an analysis of elderly facilities in Ireland was fully consistent with what my analysis found: death rates in nursing homes skyrocketed right after the vaccines rolled out.

The CMS data shows that the vaccines were a disaster for the elderly 3 different ways:

  • Short-term death rate of 25% or more: People died instantly or shortly after the shot was given. For example, at Annandale Care Center, MN, 8 people died on the day of the shot. The facility only has only 60 beds but at the time the facility was less than half full at 29 beds. So that is HUGE. That’s a same day death rate from the jab of 28% if everyone got the jab and it’s a higher rate if not everyone got the jab. This is crazy dangerous. But not all facilities get the same batch so that’s why the same-day kill rate can be very high at a single facility and lower at other facilities. Note: Annandale Healthcare Center was in the news and is a much larger facility, but is not the facility I just described, so be careful when fact checking this.

  • Up to 2X higher likelihood of dying from COVID short term and an increased risk of catching COVID as well: Residents got a compromised immune system from the jab, so they got COVID and died from COVID in record numbers. For example, at Apple Valley Village Health Care Center (AVV) in MN, there were 90 COVID cases in the first 3 weeks of Jan 2021, and at least 28 people died as a result of those infections. Yet in all of 2020, there were just 27 COVID cases and not a single death from COVID. At AVV, they went from a 0:27 death:infection track record (pre-vax) to 28:90 in just 3 weeks right after the jab was given at the end of December 2020. Same facility. Same COVID variant. Why was the COVID infection-fatality rate (IFR) so drastically different with the same variant, the same facility, and the same resident population? I wanted to know the answer to that but everyone at AVV refused to return any of my calls. But we see this in other places. The only thing that makes any sense is that it was the vaccine because it checks all the boxes. No other hypothesis has been offered. The good news is the doubling of the COVID IFR appears to be temporary as the IFR was only 20% higher in the months after the shots were given.

  • Up to 34% higher overall mortality risk for years post-jab: The jabs have permanently (or at least long term) weakened the immune system of all the recipients, young and old, so they are dying at a higher rate overall post-jab. On a small scale, you can see this in the Apple Valley deaths, for example (see the Apple Valley section below). On a larger scale, you can see this in all the excess deaths being reported such as BBC headlines the UK having their highest excess deaths in 50 years or in this article showing that kids 35-44 year olds are now dying at a rate 34% higher than before. That is a MASSIVE change. How can medical authorities be unable to explain the cause and fix it? Simple: they are not permitted to blame the vaccine so this will be a mystery forever. And they will never reveal the vaccination status of the kids who are dying because that would be a privacy violation. However, if you are unvaccinated and die, the news media is free to report that. Have you noticed that for all these sudden deaths and cardiac arrests, they never say “…and he was not vaccinated.”

(Much more follows)