Amen, President Trump needs our prayers right now and of course so to does this country. Despite all the chaos and darkness; I remind myself that everything is in God's timing and part of his plan. Therefore, we can never lose faith and trust in Him that all will pass as it should.
You are spot on fren, now is the time to continue to spread the good news so more can give their lives to Christ; it is our command to do so.
It was literally the coolest mugshot in history. I'm very sad I didn't get that idea when i went to jail for a month under the scamdemic! Jenna Elis mugshot was also rather funny looks like she enjoying herself!
Prayer is powerful. I thank Jesus every day for my blessings and ask him to spread the light of the Holy Spirit upon the world so everyone can be saved and we can live in peace as God intended. It is never too late to accept the Lord in your heart and ask for forgiveness!
Amen 🙏
In Jesus name Amen!
Amen, President Trump needs our prayers right now and of course so to does this country. Despite all the chaos and darkness; I remind myself that everything is in God's timing and part of his plan. Therefore, we can never lose faith and trust in Him that all will pass as it should.
You are spot on fren, now is the time to continue to spread the good news so more can give their lives to Christ; it is our command to do so.
Okay... that's giving me the tingles...
Not sure if I should be excited or afraid, but it feels like both at the same time.
God bless us and keep us as we weather the storm
Yes, that gets me too. Couldn’t have said it better.
Nothing can stop it
It was literally the coolest mugshot in history. I'm very sad I didn't get that idea when i went to jail for a month under the scamdemic! Jenna Elis mugshot was also rather funny looks like she enjoying herself!
Prayer is powerful. I thank Jesus every day for my blessings and ask him to spread the light of the Holy Spirit upon the world so everyone can be saved and we can live in peace as God intended. It is never too late to accept the Lord in your heart and ask for forgiveness!
Will it shock us as well? Will there be revelations we are totally in the dark about? I wonder....
I wonder about that too
Scary Trump shot. We love him. We are just as angry as he. POTUS!!
Perfect post for today!
It better damn be enormous, my balls are bluer than methylene