If it's tongue and cheek and having fun and kind of half clever, yeah, slow news day, go for it. If it's sincere, pushing flat earth or chemtrails, you'll be handed a hot dog and a Bud light and moved to the nosebleeds where you belong.
Well I guess if Q didn't mention them they must not matter. Q also didn't mention the origins of banking with the crusades and Templars and didn't mention Great Britain's conspiracy to instigate Civil War in America back in the 19th century. I guess none of that is in any way relevant to our current situation either.
So we're allowed to post globe shitposts now?
If It's a shit post and if it's funny, yes
If it's tongue and cheek and having fun and kind of half clever, yeah, slow news day, go for it. If it's sincere, pushing flat earth or chemtrails, you'll be handed a hot dog and a Bud light and moved to the nosebleeds where you belong.
Wait are chemtrails seriously considered verboten here?
They are considered off-topic.
Q did not once mention chemtrails or weather manipulation.
Well I guess if Q didn't mention them they must not matter. Q also didn't mention the origins of banking with the crusades and Templars and didn't mention Great Britain's conspiracy to instigate Civil War in America back in the 19th century. I guess none of that is in any way relevant to our current situation either.
You like to see the world burn when you are bored, don't you? lol
I love how divisive you can be c5. I think it's healthy for the board