Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
This is waaaay off-topic, but is something that I've had pass through my mind a few times. I got married at 22 and lost my virginity on my wedding night to my husband who was 19, almost 20 (but he makes it sound worse!).
I have a friend who is just over 50 and was raised in church, went to seminary, and who is a music minister. He's never married. It's not like he never wanted to, but he just never did find the right woman. (I will say he may have been a bit picky.) I assume by his past he's never been with anyone. That seems so weird. I couldn't imagine being the age I am and not having a husband to enjoy. I know sex isn't everything, and there's more to a relationship than it, obviously. It's kind of sad that he hasn't found the person to share that with.
Coincidentally, there's a lady in my Sunday school class who's late-forties and has never married. I don't know her as well as I do him, but she's given up on looking. I tried to set them up, but she wasn't interested in dating at that time.
I don't know my point in all of this, other than thinking it's sad that some people don't find their help-meets. Do any of you know many people in their situations?
Not everyone is bold enough to put themselves out there, they're awkward, etc. If you go to a small church there aren't many choices. Several reasons matches don't happen.
You didn't lose your virginity. You gave it to your husband. I was married at 25 and my wife was 24. I never really had the idea "Hey, I just lost my virginity" like I suppose most people do.
Being a nerd myself, I have several unmarried friends. I too would wish for them to be happy, but unfortunately it just doesn't work out for many people.
I have three friends who have successfully met love through dating services. One with Match, one with eHarmony, and my other friend who just got engaged also used eHarmony, I believe. Other friends... I think just being mild-mannered and shy doesn't really work, so they just resign themselves to enjoying their hobbies.
My friend in America said that the new feminist trend is to get married, wreck it, get divorced, and treat it as a practice run. That's insane. Feminists have managed to think of new strategies to wreck society. I saw a video of a new trend of "passport bros," men who end up looking for love from women in foreign countries because they are sick of the crap from American women who have been thoroughly brainwashed. I think a lot of these are black men who want love and commitment and want to avoid the welfare black women who won't have a man in the house.
So I have 3 friends who are unmarried. All three are obese nerds, so that narrows their chances of finding women considerably. Another is an unwitting illegal immigrant from Mexico who ended up stranded in America with no place to go if ever went back to where he is from. His two younger brothers got their greencards but he didn't due to being older or something. Strikingly handsome guy, but he's just a videogame nerd and not good at talking with women. And plus he's into the furry crap. Not the cosplay kinky crap, but just the "Secret of NIMH is a cool movie" type. He went silent several years ago and I think perhaps he was desperate enough to have a gay marriage with his friend he met on a furry forum. Neither are gay, but his friend is a bit of a creep and a stalker and there is no way he's getting married. I suspect they did a fraudulent gay marriage so that my Mexican friend can finally get a greencard. Sad state of affairs for sure.
There is a saying that you can't miss what you never had. Also some people have low libidos, some have high, sometimes those two get married and it is cause for trouble. There is no "normal" amount of sex between two married people, what works for them is what is their normal, in my opinion. Some people get very lonely, some people prefer their own company. My nephew and niece went with each other since 16, never dated anyone else, married 30 years, unfortunately he passed away, she has no desire to be with anyone else. And there really are asexuals out there, folks who just are not comfortable about intimacy, and not due to any trauma either, most folks fall right in the middle, and then there are some who have to have it no matter what, or so they think. Those are the ones who are often led to promiscuous or affairs, etc.
There are a few friends we have in very similar situations. Raised up believing in Christ & still strong in the church. Know that they should marry, multiply & replenish, though just haven't found anyone that would work well for them.
It is unfortunate & I feel so bad for them. Often I have believed they had low self esteem, or didn't feel worthy of that kind of love for some reason, though I could be wrong.
On the other hand, I have two friends who were very young and foolish with their choices in women. One guy married his college sweetheart who ended up being a psychopath and she tried to strangle him to death. She even ran her own son over when she backed her car out of the garage in a sudden rage. She broke his leg just below the hip, which is a terrible place to break a bone.
The other guy is a Jewish Christian who made the mistake of marrying an Indonesian Muslim. She had big tits, so he fell in love with her. Looking back, he now can identify how the Lord was troubling his heart before he proposed and even until after they were married. She turned into a narcissistic psycho hose beast.
Both of these guys got divorced. The first remarried a Christian lady from China and the second a Christian lady from Japan. I know there are a few people lurking about this forum who frown upon interracial marriages and concernfagging over mixed race children, but for some people it works out better. Go most anywhere internationally and ask a woman what her "preferred pronouns" are and they won't know what you're talking about.
I can understand that marriages are hard no matter what & mixing religion or conflicting cultural beliefs only make it thatuch harder.
That said, I have a hard time with individuals who believe that anyone should only find love in their own race. I get the push to try & remove the white race from the face of the world, though I would rather find a conservative loyal spouse (and wish that for my children as well) who knows the value of honesty & hard work, vs someone that shares similar genetic code.
That said, as a guy with strong Irish genes (1/4 Irish) I have found I often am drawn more to women who oddly enough have traced their lineage back to either Scotland or Ireland, most being at least 1/16th Irish or Scottish & even the lantinas I dated interestingly enough had Irish heratige as we did some digging. I guess I had a type & have always been a leg man.
Candace Owens is just plain hot in my opinion. It is her self confidence & willingness to look at information, then make her own educated guess using critical thinking to the best of her ability. I certainly don't agree with everything, she has claimed since becoming conservative. Though I would be happy for any of my boys to find an amazing woman of any race who is willing to dig for truth anywhere they can find it.
The more I learn of true history & cultural ties to Christ, the more it is clear we are all physically children of the same Father in Heaven.
That may be part of it, too. Perhaps they didn't want who the Lord was leading them to, as well?
That could be very true. It too myself way too many attempts to find the woman our Lord was leading me towards. If only I could have understood that I should wait a few years & they will be ready 😝
Hindsight 🤣
Patience is difficult!