Roll Left And Die
Years ago I wrote a post, I think at PJM -- or at least I can't find it here -- about the process of "roll left and die" that magazines and book companies went through before utter collapse. Over the years this became synonymous with Get Woke, Go Broke, bu...
Good submission, thanks! Added to my reading list.
Get woke, go broke.
Never heard it like that, it’s always been go
No, it's definitely "get". People keep saying it wrong for some reason.
Mandella has entered the chat.
You know that moment where you hit submit, and realize you fucked up? Yeah, I'm the poster child for fucking up my topic titles and realizing it as I see the page refreshing.
I hear that.
Good take. We’ve all seen it time and again. The comment section is entertaining too.
I like the line regarding lefty magazines: "It was that more enjoyment could be derived by reading mattress tags than by reading the magazine."
Razorfist talked about this the other day. He called it Go Broke, Get Woke, Ultimately Croak
Upvoting for Razorfist awareness.
I think razorfist was on with gorka's show recently. Has anyone seen it?
Former bloodline illuminati member "Svali" (she said they called themselves Moriah) said about 20 yrs ago when she left that death cult that they knew it was coming and it was a sacrifice they were ALL fully willing to make.
Stockholders? Not so much
This makes me more than a little uneasy. If the woke > broke is a feature, therefor intentional, and our own govt is following this playbook to sacrifice itself…. What is it sacrificing itself to come next? And in such a scenario, wouldn’t a “Q” type operation be an asset?
I hope I’m wording that right. THAT'S what happened to Juggs magazine...😂😂😂
From the comments:
When you ask the Army to secure a building, they bar the windows, block the exists, and set up an armed guard post.
When you ask the Navy to secure a building, the mop the floors, empty the coffee pots and turn off the lights.
When you ask the Marines to secure a building, they take a platoon to breach it and fortify the position against assault.
When you ask the Air Force to secure a building, they take out a lease with an option to buy.”
Not a military brat--aside from interservice rivalry, what makes the Navy and Air Force so incompetent here?
One wonders what the Coast Guard would do.
"Secure" means something different in each branch. I was Navy and the description of how they secure something is accurate. The coast guard would probably do the same thing as the navy.
That just makes the Air Force line even MORE confusing. They get into real estate?
Yeah, I don't totally get that either but the Air Force is a different animal...more like a 9 to 5 job, really nice facilities, golf courses,etc. We always called them the chair force. If we had our hands in our pockets, we would be told to take off those Air Force gloves. They seemed to be less military than the other branches of the military.
Call it whatever you want, its purely controlled demolition.
Financial system is undergoing a systematic breakdown (as opposed to the chaos caused by letting it fall off the cliff in an uncontrolled manner) because it is a Ponzi scheme that has to collapse at one point or another.
As part of the systematic breakdown, as magic money is taken away from the market companies need to crash and burn, but if you dont want to panic people before they are ready for the precipice-surprise, you gotta give them cover.
And this is not just normal people, but even people at various executive levels within the companies.
How do you tell these people to press the levers to bring down their own company without raising suspicion?
Rename the red button "WOKE". The force the execs to toe the woke line.
Hence "Get woke, go broke".
Hence this is driven by none other than the BlackRock - the mother of all ponzi schemes.
He makes a lot of sense. Good article. Thanks
Looks like an interesting article.