While waiting in line? Was planning on bringing chairs and showing up about 5 hours before doors open. It's not an official Trump rally but SD GOP Rally he's attending this Friday. Tickets were sold out and they decided to sell 6k more after that. So there's defiantly going to be a crowd. Would love to get a good spot so I'm guessing 5 hours won't be enough time, but that's all I can do.
Comments (41)
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Fly a Q. You're going to meet some amazing people waiting in line.
Don't bring anything with you you'd be upset walking away from.
Nice thing about a disposable cooler is you can take a sharpie to it and turn it into a little billboard you can leave in sight of all wandering by. Be creative fren.
1000% Make sure you enjoy the line time. It's as much fun as the rally. And there's NOTHING like a Trump rally!
Any idea if you can bring in a battery pack to charge cell phones?
Not a clue.
Chairs your willing to dump if necessary. Snacks and water (maybe a little taste of the good stuff), Red, white and blue! Hope you meet some frens
Was thinking when the doors open I'll just run the chairs back to my vehicle, while my family holds my spot in line.
You can leave chairs and cooler outside of secure area and pick them back up on the way out. I've been to 5 rallies, and everybody gets their stuff back after the rallies. Parking spaces are often over a mile away from the gates.
Thank you fren!
they'll be some good folks there. These events are fun for that reason alone. So many good people around. Good luck. Be aware of your surroundings (had to throw that in, I worry about these things)
What do you mean a little taste of the good stuff? Beer kek?
maybe a little whisky for the long wait! kek. Not beer! You will be waiting around way to long for beer. Never a bathroom when you need one ;)
Any idea if you can bring in a battery pack to charge cell phones?
I doubt it very much, but I don’t know for sure. You get the whole prison shakedown treatment going in. Less questions the easier
yes^ you will have so much fun! & we're making plans as I type; trying to decide where to sleep. and to be safe, I would be there as early as possible just in case. been trying to figure out a schedule, but not a lot of info out there, but from previous experience, we get there between 6:30 & 7:00. and are usually in the first couple rows in the 'corral' so we alway have seats up close.
if you don't make it into that part of the line, you won't be in the best seats, but I also think we're guaranteed since we paid. also, cheap chairs, a blanket or towel if you like to sit on ground. a clear plastic carrying bag helps a lot & you really don't need much because you spend most of the time talking.
Making plans for this friday's event? Are you from Rapid City? I'm traveling a couple states to go there !
no, my best friend is & I'm to the east, but we can get there in an afternoon. & you will love it, Presidents & Q hints Everywhere! if you go to Mount Rushmore, make sure to pay attention on the presidential trail; George Washington is in spot 17 instead of 1;) it's like a real life treasure hunt.
It will be at the "Monument" not mount Rushmore. If I am mistaken on your message, yes I will go to Mt. Rushmore after :)
yes, that's what I meant:) I think we'll go to Mt. R. Saturday morning before we go home; it's real pretty that time of day.
What do you mean by "and to be safe" ?
it's pretty relaxed real early in the morning & people come in slowly, but then there seems to be a rush & the 'corral' will fill up quickly around 10, so you want to get there before the rush to 'be safe' and have good seats up front.
But then again, this seems like a different type of event, since we had to pay. would say the earlier the closer to the stage you would be. but we should have guaranteed seating regardless. non-paying rallies people have to wait outside the gate if they're not early enough.
Don't go inside the capitol. Do bring beer. hth
We decided that next time we will take 5 gallon buckets full of ice one for drinks the other for food. They make good chairs easy to move along in line. When we get to go indie we can just leave them, or discard them. Have a great time fren. God bless.
that’s a great idea & you just solved one of my problems/lost the lid to my cooler, but think we have some buckets around, thanks!
Thank you fren
I never was more than 2 hours early. Saw him every time. Definitely the people make it fantastic while you wait. It's so refreshing to be around like minded people who have love and peace in their hearts. Fly straight, pede. Congratulations. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
So excited you have no idea!! First time I'll see Trump in person!
I stood in line for 8 hours in Anchorage and was in the first 10 or 12 people in line. After all that, I had to stand and watch ALL the people who had paid, I think, $100 for "Priority Seating" get ushered inside before us. Pay the $100 and sleep a little later. Great experience, though- it's an incredible experience to be around so many like-minded folks!
I've gone to 5 total. Four were at outdoor venues, mostly airports. One was at an indoor arena. I was late for all but one.
All outdoor venues - no problem, still got right in, despite being late. Maybe I didn't get the best view, but could still see the GEOTUS, still hear fine and the vibe was always incredible all around no matter where we were standing. The one in Butler PA, 10/31/2020 - we were behind a whole bunch of Amish people and it was awesome.
The indoor venue a couple weeks ago in Erie PA was the only one where we were turned away - we were 5 min late and could not get in. Secret Service told us that it was because he had already started talking. Scheduled for 6 pm, we got there @ 6:05 and he had already begun. It might also have something to do with the limited capacity of indoor vs outdoor. Erie Arena had 9k capacity. Butler had 50k or 60k and could have fit more in the way back.
Venue seems to make a difference. One of the times we were late was Latrobe's Arnold Palmer Airport. We parked right by an entrance that ended up being closed off. So we had to walk to another entrance. Nobody told us it was like a mile+ walk to the other side of the airport. It wasn't clearly marked driving in so we drove right by where we were supposed to enter. The upside of being in the back at Latrobe is that we were right by a bunch of food carts and we were starving. So it worked out.
TLDR: Logistics and knowing the venue, access, parking etc
Your plan on getting there early is definitely smart. Much smarter than my approach! And 5 hrs should be plenty. If he's coming on TRUMP ONE, watching the plane come in adds a yuuge level of excitment.
Rolling cooler(s) that you can sit on.
Bring chairs that you don't mind leaving behind. Bring a Styrofoam cooler with water/snacks/sandwiches (optional, depending on time of day) that you can also leave behind. Dress comfortably. You'll love it!
Thanks! Was thinking when the doors open I'll just run the chairs back to my vehicle, while my family holds my spot in line. Is that ok you think?
You won't have time in my experience.
Do you just leave the chairs on the side then? They dont' care?
They don't seem to. Lots of people did it.
What if the car is a quarter mile away?
Things move fast and there are a zillion people. I wouldn't chance it.
Thanks fren. Appreciate it! I know when the doors open so maybe I'll just take them back 30 min before.
We had tickets but they never checked for them in our case. We just waited in line and enjoyed conversation with fellow AmeriCANs. Enjoy the converstions even if you do not get in.
Did you pay for your tickets?
No. Did you?