EXCLUSIVE! Alex Jones Appears On Top Russian Talk Show - "Americans Are Against The War"
Watch Alex Jones in his first LIVE interview for the biggest Russian political show discussing corporate oligarchs, common enemies, Joe Biden, and political assassinations.
Can't wait to see this. Sounds nuts.
When I think about the best people for calming a situation down, Alex jones isn't top of the list.
But then again who thought Dennis rodman would play such a big role in north Korea.
Mad times. I'm guessing Alex does very well.
Well that's good, at least the message is getting to Russians in Russia. I know Putin already knows this.. but i have no idea what it's like in Russian society.. do they think we're all deluded in the west and lovers of Joe Biden?
They know that Trump has more support than Biden and they sure know that our MSM lies. They will understand that a large proportion of Americans do not judge ordinary Russians
Those Russians, especially the older ones have been around the block.
Everytime I see Alex jones I get bad vibes. What psyop are they trying to run on us now is always my first thought.
Totally not censoring Twitter is blocking this link
Like everything 'Alex Jones' says, this can be taken two ways.
It signals to Russia to stop their actions in Ukraine.
Some Americans are for it, some against it.
The DS is against it. That aligns 'Alex, I'm not Bill Hicks' Jones with their position.
Duplicity is the role of a Stratfor provocateur.
This is good. AJ is not wrong.
Merrick Garland indicts Alex Jones for treason in ten, nine, eight, ...
You mean another fake trial????
Have there been any real ones lately?