Bigly2020 22 points 3 hours ago +22 / -0
The moral of the story which no one has learned is quit telegraphing your moves.
OR have a DEAD MAN switch installed.
Maybe we could use deep fakes of our opponents to telegraph our moves. That way when they get knocked off the board, you can pick up their loyalists by exposing the dirt and those responsible for doing the wet work.
I'm convinced anyone who announces an announcement has nothing.
It wasn't hard to pre record a breaking story even back in the day.
So many examples of these so called bombshells trying to fuel sensationalism.
Don't forget Tom Clancy. He was whacked by Obama because Rainbow Six exposed COVID 20 years early and got too close to the key players for Intel to write his books.
That was a great book! I read it again recently after all those years passed, and realized they could have "leaked" a much more dangerous virus (and still could).
I love Andrew Breitbart and his absence leaves a void that is difficult to fill.
That said, the "dirt" on Obama was underwhelming. We already knew worse stuff that the media ignored. He was hyping it up, as he should, but it was underwhelming for sure.
James O'Keefe has drop some major bombs against the narrative
Steve Bannon has gone above and beyond to wake people up
Steven Crowder is back with a whole army of noncompliant comedians who are fighting the narrative - even has Alex Jones as part of new mug club relaunch - huge portrait of Andrew Breitbart on the set
Greg Gutfeld is staying with the normies to get them to question things, dig deeper, pointing out the logical fallacies.
The moral of the story which no one has learned is quit telegraphing your moves
Bigly2020 22 points 3 hours ago +22 / -0 The moral of the story which no one has learned is quit telegraphing your moves. OR have a DEAD MAN switch installed.
How did that work out for McAfee?
Tru dat. We never seen a dead man switch ever work out for real.
Maybe we could use deep fakes of our opponents to telegraph our moves. That way when they get knocked off the board, you can pick up their loyalists by exposing the dirt and those responsible for doing the wet work.
And yet people continue to do this
And they still telegraph it every time. Looks like Loomer didn't though this time.
Never announce-just do.
I'm convinced anyone who announces an announcement has nothing. It wasn't hard to pre record a breaking story even back in the day. So many examples of these so called bombshells trying to fuel sensationalism.
Yoda, is that you?
And no dead-mans switch.
Don't forget Tom Clancy. He was whacked by Obama because Rainbow Six exposed COVID 20 years early and got too close to the key players for Intel to write his books.
That was a great book! I read it again recently after all those years passed, and realized they could have "leaked" a much more dangerous virus (and still could).
And this video of him which still gives me chills...
I prefer "e pluribus unum beats multiculturalism every time!"
... STILL love this
Lies, lies, lies and all the murders. If you think Clinton’s and the Kennedy’s has a death/murder list look at Obama’s hit list. That said, I want to see Obama go to hang man’s rope for murdering seal team six.
I love Andrew Breitbart and his absence leaves a void that is difficult to fill.
That said, the "dirt" on Obama was underwhelming. We already knew worse stuff that the media ignored. He was hyping it up, as he should, but it was underwhelming for sure.
Loved Breitbart with the Weiner man. Wrecked him. May he not have died in vain
Breitbart's acolytes are doing him proud.
James O'Keefe has drop some major bombs against the narrative
Steve Bannon has gone above and beyond to wake people up
Steven Crowder is back with a whole army of noncompliant comedians who are fighting the narrative - even has Alex Jones as part of new mug club relaunch - huge portrait of Andrew Breitbart on the set
Greg Gutfeld is staying with the normies to get them to question things, dig deeper, pointing out the logical fallacies.
I'm sure there are others that I'm missing
YES... applaud them all for continuing the fight.
Yeah, the CIA heart attack machine at work.
Never alert your enemies before showing the evidence.
Fuck you John Podesta