5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene ox...
A science paper published in MaterialsToday Chemistry reveals that cell phone signals can be used to release biological or chemical payloads from graphene oxide that’s introduced into the human body. The paper, published in September of 2022, is entitled, ...
Now that is interesting!
I wrote a post speculating something similar using 5G to interact with the vax.
The fact that 5G can be aimed at you is suspicious to me.
I read your material and the articles and it is quite interesting that you wrote that a year ago. You are spot on as to what their intentions are for people. The interesting thing about the graphene oxide is that it can be utilized to send and receive from the human body. It is my understanding that they will use ELF to damage/kill people. All the self assembling synthetic hardware that they are placing in people are going to give them complete control over the populace. It is also my understanding that 5G has not been completely rolled out.
It somewhat makes sense that the formation of those rubbery clots could be influenced by phone signals. Everyone seems to have one. AND all those cell towers were built and put up in the blink of an eye. There are also the smaller blood clots that don't show up in normal exams. There certainly is a lot of nefarious aspects of the whole covid plandemic. It has been proven these are not vaccines but biological weapons to control/destroy humanity.
And I thought I was crazy back then!
Well crazy is debatable but you were right on target...
Lol fren!
I have supported this theory for years and now am convinced of it..
Hendrikus Loos
This is a very long but very interesting article that gives more clarity on what covid and these fake vaccines are all about.
The huge push after the turn of the millennium (and specifically, post 9/11) to get everyone addicted to cellphones was for something. I've always said so.
Maybe they could send out a signal to cause all the lithium batteries to cook off at the same time. That would suck. Doodbruh- i think imma cut muhh shet off on that day
'The FCC has been captured by the telecom industry, which in turn has perfected the disinformation strategies employed by the tobacco industry before it.'
This is misinformation. Most of the smoking "science" was bullshit and they keep extending intrusions into your life and justifying it on the flimsiest grounds 'for your health'. Everyone that would bring up how bullshitty it was was immediately branded as a tobacco shill. Sound familiar?
Using this phrase, they are trying to link the nanny-state's successful cowing of an empire to their wills and attempting to exert control over another area of life.
The "science" of things like milimeter wave causing issues is an issue of dose being the poison. What do I mean? The same sun that makes Mercury a firey hellscape (at least to us) keeps the earth pleasantly warm. The same thing happens with all spectrums on the EM band.
If i take the magnetron from a microwave and point it at you, i can boil your brain inside your skull. I can't do the same with a wifi router. If i take the xray emitter from an xray machine and point it at you and crank it all the way up, i can cause you just burns on up to horrible genetic mutations....or i can use it for a few seconds at a relatively low level and see just how bad your night went.
These articles are devoted to the Gish Gallop - a bunch of plausible information crammed so close together that they override your ability to reason through it and you end up accepting their fear porn.
They may have put these kinds of tags into the vax but they won't use your cell phones to indiscriminately activate them at random. All they need to do is build 100 vehicles, 50 in the US 50 in the EU that look like any other van and activate the tags en mass in the population centers as they drive through - or specifically target an area/areas. That is how you maintain control.
If it were cell phones and they are slipping vax into foods, that means they are at risk, too. And none of the PTB would risk themselves for any plan.
Maybe they don’t put the vaxx in kosher foods? And this isn’t to imply any particular group, but think about it?
Q says these are not smart people, and maybe they are not compared to q team, but compared to me they are.
So if I can imagine something, certainly they have already at least considered it.
I can totally see them making a blunder, bur these are the people who plan for generations to slowly erode things so they can co trol everything. They aren't going to give us plebians the guns and ammunition they want to use on us, because then they have no control over what happens. Especially if it takes three decades and multiple iterations to slowly push that danger to a point that it was usable.
They would give us one or the other and use the other component to enrich their control when and where it was needed.