The Barret is a bolt action rifle, so yes...if you have the money. Only machine guns are not commercially available. Even some indoor ranges in Commiefornia allow .50 bmg.
Thanks for this friend, I could see a .50 doing damage especially if f35 is just hovering. Could just be a bored American with a high caliber gun that just happened to look up and got lucky with a shot, would make sense the military would want to cover it up. The irony - biden literally said that you’d need f15’s and nukes to take on the us military when referencing US citizens keeping their guns, as if it’s futile to even own arms
Welcome fren. You are correct. .50 cals are typically used to take out engine blocks so it could take out a hovering F35. It would have to be multiple shots or 1 improbable shot. But, we would never know how resilient an F35 could be to enemy fire.
.50 cal like a barret sniper? Didn’t know that is commercially available
The Barret is a bolt action rifle, so yes...if you have the money. Only machine guns are not commercially available. Even some indoor ranges in Commiefornia allow .50 bmg.
Thanks for this friend, I could see a .50 doing damage especially if f35 is just hovering. Could just be a bored American with a high caliber gun that just happened to look up and got lucky with a shot, would make sense the military would want to cover it up. The irony - biden literally said that you’d need f15’s and nukes to take on the us military when referencing US citizens keeping their guns, as if it’s futile to even own arms
Welcome fren. You are correct. .50 cals are typically used to take out engine blocks so it could take out a hovering F35. It would have to be multiple shots or 1 improbable shot. But, we would never know how resilient an F35 could be to enemy fire.
Actually, the original Barrett model 82A1 is semi-automatic.
Holy shit. So much misinformation. The Barret M82A1 is a .50BMG semi automatic rifle. It is also commercially available.
There are also 50BMG bolt guns on the market.
You can buy cannons in the USA.
There are lots of .50 cals on the market for civilians including the Barrett.
its semi auto, not bolt action, and is commercially available in states that do not ban .50BMG for civilian use.