Video: Freedom Convoy, Trudeau, and the World Economic Forum Shaping the World’s Power Brokers | Freedom Convoy and Klaus Schwab Truth Matters, Episode 7
Video: Freedom Convoy, Trudeau, and the World Economic Forum Shaping the World’s Power Brokers | Freedom Convoy and Klaus Schwab Truth Matters, Episode 7
Walter veith has a great series on there called Total Onslaught. Extremely comprehensive.
Not a brief video, is it? I'm STILL exhausted from watching it 10 years ago. Might be time for a rewatch.
I was not seventh day but went to a seminar they gave and railed against the Catholic church, not the people, the vatican.
Right. We love Roman Catholics and in my estimation they are some of the best Christians out there. The problem is not the people, but the system.
Nobody is against Catholics, because they believe in God and Jesus and that is good, we are against the supposed ''representative of God'' called ''pope'' who wants to destroy the Catholic Church.
Is it true that there is a special Catholic staircase somewhere, which, if you climb it on your knees, allows you to sin for one full year and be pre-forgiven? I may be butchering the specifics.
Not a cult. Biblically based using old and new testaments. Mormanism believes in pleural marriage and Jehovah's don't believe in celebrating holidays or birthdays. SDA's believe in the 4th commandment which if you look at the calendar Saturday is the 7th day of the week. They follow Leviticus 22 dietary principles and practice not drinking or smoking. Can't fault them for any of that.
The New Testament is based on the New Covenant God revealed in Jeremiah 31:31-34, and Ezekiel 36:27. This was repeated by Paul in Hebrews 8:10-13. The SDA's try to cling to the Old Covenant, which Paul says is old, growing decrepit and near to disappearing. It came alongside the promised blessing given to Abraham, but has the status of a slave bringing forth children of the flesh and of slavery, not like the free wife who brings forth children of Promise, children of the Spirit (Galatians 4:21+). They miss the Spirit which God promised to put into us in Ezek. 36:27, and which began to be fulfilled in John 20:22. This is the Spirit, which was promised to write God's laws on our heart and inscribe them on our minds in the New Covenant. This is the Spirit that frees us from the law of sin and death as Paul describes in Romans 8:2. A day as a day of Sabbath rest is the shadow, which is cast by Christ as the real Sabbath rest. "Come unto Me...I will give you rest."
If you see that they are playing videos from the Battlefield Hollywood series, watch them. That series may not be available on-demand because it was produced by a third party. IMO the BH lectures are so good it might be worth buying them. They're about how movies and even video games load un-Christian ideas into your mind subconsciously. Pretty much every video from OP's site is good.
Some Adventists do. I was brought up Adventists. They've been warning about Biblical prophesy for over a century. First up the Roman Catholic Church.
Unfortunately the upper echelon of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists are in league with Popery.
But the basic Adventist message is righteousness by faith and the Second Coming of Christ which are both true.
Walter Veith is a good teacher and knows his stuff. But he is independent of the General Conference out there on his own trying to tell the truth about the times we are living in.
Seventh day adventists are also hardcore vegan and some of the healthiest people on earth
Some are vegetarian, some vegan, and some like me do eat meat from time to time. Its not the meat per se, its what they are putting in the animals these days. But per Adventism it is not a sin to eat meat, just pork and shell fish. Beef, chicken/turkey, and fish with fins and scales are all ok. But as mentioned the food supply is all poisonous now.
Good to know. I know next to nothing about them besides that.
Adventists are big on something called righteousness by faith, which means we can't follow the law except through the power of Christ. It is a day to day walk with God. They are also big on eschatology and prophesy. They also promote healthy lifestyles such as vegetarianism, no smoking/drinking and very little to no meat eating. And of course Saturday is the Sabbath meaning sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.
Idk my wife is sda and vegan and she's the sickliest person i know
I knew a SDA guy in nursing home while I worked there who had a stroke. I asked if he ate badly meaning lots of meat ect and/or smoked and drank and he said no. I just believe the whole food supply is tainted and some of us can tolerate it more than others.
yea i still havent made up my mind on it. i just went by some studies from a while ago. low incidences of cancer/heart disease/autoimmune
And the biggest hypocrits because they do eat meat and drink when no one is looking. Speaking from experience having loved with one and experiencing their "practices" both in public and private
There are hypocrites in every church.
No argument here
They do get a lot of things right it seems. Not all though
Some of the the high ranking Jesuits are bad but I've known Jesuit priests who are the kindest people you'll ever meet.
Here's an article in The Spectrum, an official SDA publication , which was published in 2011 (Will need to split this up into 2 posts) -
The Dark Fantasy World of Walter Veith
Spectrum is run by a bunch of leftist & LGBTQ style goons. They are a weird bunch and would fit right in nice and tidy with the far leftists goons now running the government.
In summary, the SDA church does not endorse Veith and is most definitely not based.
In fact, just like the Roman Catholic Church, they endorsed the Covid vaccines.
Adventist Church Releases New Vaccine Statement
Written by: Alex Aamodt Published: October 29, 2021
This is exactly why I do not pay tithes or attend church. The General Conference of SDA is totally controlled by the Jesuits and other misfits. They are making deals with Popery just so they can not be called a 'cult'.
Of course I believe the original SDA church when founded was not a cult and I do not believe they are a cult. But they are turning into on at least the upper eschelon is when they make ecumenical deals with the likes of the Roman Church.
Do you believe Ellen White is a prophet?
I don't believe that.
With that being said, their theology is much closer to what Protestants historically believed once you get rid of their interpretation of Daniel 8:14 than most other churches.
Ellen White never called herself a prophet but a messenger of God. Many of her predictions have come true. One thing about her is she never set dates but predicted situations. You have to read what she wrote to figure it out for yourself. I can't prove anything. Her best writing are about getting to know Jesus and the life and purpose of his ministry.
The Word of God?
Mark 13:32
But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
October 22, 1844.
Ellen White was very good at taking the writings of the best authors, both secular and Christian, and tailoring them to suit her purposes.
The White Estate admits the following while defending against the charges she was a plagiarist -
"In some cases where a historian has so grouped together events as to afford, in brief, a comprehensive view of the subject, or has summarized details in a convenient manner, his words have been quoted; but in some instances no specific credit has been given, since the quotations are not given for the purpose of citing that writer as authority, but because his statement affords a ready and forcible presentation of the subject. In narrating the experience and views of those carrying forward the work of reform in our own time, similar use has been made of their published works" (The Great Controversy, p. xii).
William Miller was a high ranking Freemason, the equivalent of a 32nd or 33rd degree Mason.
Read pages 21-22 of Memoirs of William Miller by Sylvester Bliss for the source of that claim -
Ellen White compares William Miller to the prophet Elisha in her book The Great Controversy -
"As Elisha was called following his oxen in the field, to receive the mantle of consecration to the prophetic office, so was William Miller called to leave his plow and open to the people the mysteries of the kingdom of God."
Lots of good authors were copied in that book, but the chapter she dedicated to William Miller is pure propaganda.
William Miller convinced thousands of people to sell everything they owned because Christ was supposedly going to return in 1844.
Elisha would have slapped him silly.
Their hospitals are said to be the largest providers of abortions-- offerings to Satan.
They shouldn't be offering any abortions unless the fetus is poisonous or a still born. We don't' throw the baby out with the bath water and let the mother die obviously. Abortion is a personal choice, but the SDA hospitals and clinics should never offer abortions just because.
Seventh Day Adventist religion. Started by so called prophet; Ellen G. White. Promoted her visions and quasi-health lifestyle. Connected to the Kelloggs (Yeah, the cereal guys) from Battlecreek, Michigan.
It is a cult Christian religion. Ellen G. White - false prophet exposed!
Resources; Ellen G White had a head injury when she was a young girl. She developed epilepsy and claimed to have 'visions from god'. These were actually epileptic seizures and she fooled many with her nefarious prophetic agenda.
Kelloggs, Cereal, Healthy Lifestyles with their food products. Sanitary/Wellness Hospitals in Battle Creek Michigan. They cannot wear jewelry, eat meat, no caffeine, no shellfish, no foods containing animal fats/by-products. A good (fairly true) movie based on a book; It's a comedy, you'll love it! The Road to Wellville;
Seventh Day Adventist abstain from sexual relations between husband & wife, practice celibacy, as it is deemed, 'dirty-unclean'.
Do your own research on the cult religions and it's oddities. Then do the same with Mormons, Scientology and Catholicism. They're all about power, control & money. And all the sheep that will follow...
I don’t trust any “Christian” sect that tries to be Jew like, also they are one of the three churches to come out of the 1844 great disappointment where the rapture failed to occur and they ran out of alternate dates. The other two are Jehovah’s Witnesses and Latter Day Saints Or Mormons. I think the three of them are goofy cults. Nice people in all three but still goofy cults.
SDA are not like Jews in anyway at all. Not one bit. Now some do think Israel is great and all that. But SDA do not use Jewish books, take part in Jewish ceremonies, or believe that the Jews are 'God's chosen'
Yes they keep Saturday the Sabbath but that is the extent that anyone can link them to Jews. They are Protestant through and through.
My friend of 40 years is currently SDA and she likes all things law and Old Testament. She is doing holidays and all kinds of stuff. This is why I said that. Also law law law. Not much grace of Jesus Christ,
She gave me a bible study it was pretty good. I started highlighting any time they quoted Ellen WHite in the end it was every other page.