I see the military arresting many of these after Trump wins the election..
He will send in the National Guard to the Nimrod cities like Chicago to get control of the gang ridden neighborhoods...
I see many BLM & Antifa members in jail right after the election...
My Dad was in the NG when they were sent into Cleveland for the Hough Avenue riots.
He said they basically stood around at the street intersections while the older black ladies who lived there brought them hot coffee and snacks in appreciation.
Wow! I grew up in a Cleveland suburb and never heard of these riots before. Thanks for sharing.
From what I can gather, it sure seems like another race-baiting excuse for bad actors to divide and conquer. We certainly know their current tactics, same as the old.
Now I wonder if Kent State was also provoked. I used to cut the grass for a liberal lady that was there when it happened. She talked about how horrible it was and how it got out of control very fast. Decades later I learned that some people were plants and used the bodies as a press photo op. Disgusting.
I grew up in Geauga County. Actually moved to the West Side (West Park-ish) at one point and spent a few decades there. Now we're out of state and soon heading out of the country.
People forget the turmoil going on in the country back in the late 60s/early 70s. A lot of the "protests" were peaceful, but a lot were anything but.
DNC convention in '68 is a good example.
Here is a section from Q4489. It wasn't a direct reference to Kent State, but the whole series of events sounds pretty much the same as the 2020 riots, specifically the attack on the White House the night before Trump took the photo with the Bible. Color Revolution tactics.
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture 'MONEY SHOT' [shooting of 'peaceful protestor'] [breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
Thanks Elon…first thought of the Roman Empire outta the way early in the morning. One more to go!☘️😂
Scavino with his gladiator Magnus video was thinking about the Roman Empire as well.
I tend to find myself thinking of the Weimar republic more than the Roman empire.
Both can apply to where we are now. History doesn't repeat, but it often rhymes.
When a clown moves into the White house he does not become a president, The country becomes a circus.
The Philly looting made international news. A guy in another continent saw it and asked me if it was connected to some protest.
It's not an empire. It never was. Shoplifting has been a massive problem for 5 years now. I'm deeply suspicious of any government contractor who tries to frame the situation in these terms.
They stole an entire election right in front of our eyes and the deep state controls everything, but yea.. "shoplifing is going to end the empire!" :|
I say give the nimrod city residents a choice, figure it out or, pound sand.
I never think it's a good thing when the government uses the military against their own citizens
I do.
That depends on who the citizens are.
Trump was smart to allow the blue states and cities to fall into Antifa/BLM crime in 2020 in hopes of making the Republican states look better. Unfortunately he didn't count on the election being rigged, and all we did was have our cities destroyed and country destroyed.
"Unfortunately he didn't count on the election being rigged"
He's been talking about election fraud since at least 2012, it's all there on his twitter if you go back far enough. He said many times that there was fraud in 2016, but not enough to keep him from winning. And he literally spent all of 2020 telling us that the election would be rigged and exactly how it would be done.
Lurk moar, and read up on Color Revolution tactics while you're at it.
I think he was supposed to lose in the first place to drain the swamp and expose the dipshits