If you’re referring to the Tools setting us free, I Totally Agree… That Gift is Something we couldn’t Earn.. His Precious Blood shed on the cross was “Our” price “He” Paid… He then guides us in OUR responsibilities and works Through us to plant seeds so that people will Accept that Freedom ?? If not, why did he say He would make us Fishers of men … Or say that Beautiful Faith you have is Dead without Works ??
Thank you Fren for pointing out that the tools don’t set us free… Just wanted to jump in and remind people that the Gift of Freedom comes with responsibilities…
If you were willing to truly look into the mountain of Evidence, not only that which Says He’s real, but that which demands He Has To Be, You’d realize the only viable alternative is Beyond Impossible.. And then if you took the time to CRITICALLY THINK about that evidence, I believe you’d be very surprised… But it sounds like you’ve Made Your Mind up and hence are unwilling to do any Critical Thinking about it… And that’s Your Choice and you have the Right to make it… I pray someday you will Fren…
If the situation were hopeless, their propaganda would not be needed.
CTs think critically, research and analyze. "They" don't want a society doing any of that. They want sheeple.
If the baddies put out a statement like that but exchanged "Conspiracy theorists" for "Drag Queens" what would we say?
I might say Inspect the Fruit…
Sorry... but only Jesus Christ sets anybody free... Him and Him alone
If you’re referring to the Tools setting us free, I Totally Agree… That Gift is Something we couldn’t Earn.. His Precious Blood shed on the cross was “Our” price “He” Paid… He then guides us in OUR responsibilities and works Through us to plant seeds so that people will Accept that Freedom ?? If not, why did he say He would make us Fishers of men … Or say that Beautiful Faith you have is Dead without Works ?? Thank you Fren for pointing out that the tools don’t set us free… Just wanted to jump in and remind people that the Gift of Freedom comes with responsibilities…
Oh for crying out loud. Your imaginary friend is more of a hindrance than a help. YOU need to think critically and STOP letting Jesus take the wheel.
Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life
If you were willing to truly look into the mountain of Evidence, not only that which Says He’s real, but that which demands He Has To Be, You’d realize the only viable alternative is Beyond Impossible.. And then if you took the time to CRITICALLY THINK about that evidence, I believe you’d be very surprised… But it sounds like you’ve Made Your Mind up and hence are unwilling to do any Critical Thinking about it… And that’s Your Choice and you have the Right to make it… I pray someday you will Fren…
Oft evil will shall evil mar.
Yeah well dont start sucking each other off just yet... we're not exactly "free" and victorious... but we're getting there.
Hold the line.
It's going to be biblical.
Romans 8:28 For ALL things work for good to those that are the called. Whatever evil the enemy brings against us, the Lord turns it for good.