I think it's funny. I don't think it was necessarily meant to tie ashkenazis to reptilians but more to show that it's a sham. Maybe it was just satire.
Everyone should know that if you were born in a hospital in the US, they already have your dna. There's no protecting it. They mandate a pku on every newborn. The sample is picked up, taken away and stored at the state level. I believe this has been since the 50's.
Years ago when I was somewhat still sleeping, I bought into the 23 and Me. I got my mother-in-love one and my husband one. I remember watching my mother in law (who would have been in her late 80s at the time) read all the fine print and deliberately not initial/sign the section that would put her in a database of some sort, to ostensibly connect with other relatives in the world. She said she had her will written and wasn't about to change it, lol. Turns out she was more awake than me back then.
I did the same thing but I needed it to save my life. I have no regrets. I also did it back when they were a brand new company, long before the obama administration temporarily shut them down. When I got in you could ask them to destroy the sample. In the end there's no way for me to know if they honored that agreement, but I think most of the shady shit happened after obama shut them down, made changes, then allowed them back up to sell their tests again.
I know what pku is, and believe me, I've already been through all this. I've known about it for 10 years. They have my daughter's sample. They didn't get my son's because I gave birth to him at home and told my midwife I will NEVER do pku, and I informed her what is being done to it so she started alerting all her patients. You can start here. https://biononymous.me/newborn-dna-storage-raises-serious-privacy-concerns/ If you dig you'll find old news reports from parents trying to get their kid's samples destroyed and how impossible the state is making it for them. A lot has already been scrubbed though. It's much harder to find this info today than it was 10+ years ago when it was openly reported by the local news.
I think with a database like that, they could clone anyone. With the information the average person has given to Facebook, they could simulate a person's life without anyone noticing. Use that to program their clone and then send them out to do their nefarious deeds. I suspect famous people would be first picks due to their effectiveness getting people to follow the "stars". But anyone who was getting too much of the wrong attention (in DS eyes) would be subject to being cloned with the original disposed of, if this is something they do.
We tecently had our son, rejected all shots / tests except potassium k because they guilt tripped the hubby... They seemed less anal about the shots / tests this time around with our last child... I assume that means we didn't do this pku? Or did I miss something?
This was four months ago so perhaps they no longer require this?
I always thought they did this tbh because I was born at home, didn't get a "birth certificate" until three years later, and when I went to deploy in the military they almost denied me deploying due to this "delayed" birth certificate. Not sure if they're connected but I always suspected it could have been because of not having my DNA from when I was a baby... Not sure, couldn't make sense of it otherwise.
Did you keep your baby with you at all times? It's very quick and mandated so it's not something they would just forget. This has been the standard for many decades.
I had to laugh because there's an opt-out card you can fill out -- and I kid you not -- if you opt out, they still hold your blood sample for 100 years before destroying it, but pinky promise they're not doing anything with it.
I was like wtf. You opt out... yet they keep it for 100 years?
Wish i knew. Just seems like they're searching for the right bloodline. Maybe Mary's to make a fake jesus. No idea, just throwing ideas out cuz we're all clueless kek.
Perhaps they want to demonstrate that ASHKENAZI Jews are really gentiles, or that they are predisposed to certain disease-causing genetic mutations and use the data for nefarious reason? There is a popular belief they have very strange DNA not found in other human beings, among other common beliefs. In other words, there are lots of reasons for someone stealing a dna database of ASHKÉNAZEI Jews. Maybe the ASHKÉNAZI Jews want to disprove perceived falsehoods about their DNA.
This is weird. I was just asking in another thread about a whole bunch of people I saw at the National Zoo in DC last week. Apparently they were all Ashkenazi Jews. That's a weird coincidence.
Did you see the video of the guy that swabbed his lizard, I think it was a tuatara, and it turned out to be 50% ashkenazi?
I can understand if humans and lizards share 50% of the same DNA but this line is great to use 😆
I think it's funny. I don't think it was necessarily meant to tie ashkenazis to reptilians but more to show that it's a sham. Maybe it was just satire.
I remember this. Def brings a whole new meaning to " the lizard people"
Everyone should know that if you were born in a hospital in the US, they already have your dna. There's no protecting it. They mandate a pku on every newborn. The sample is picked up, taken away and stored at the state level. I believe this has been since the 50's.
Protecting it means don’t get these MRNA and other DNA altering shots you dingus.
Yes, that's the context in which the Q post was posted.
However, I also stay away from those genetic tests because I always suspected there was an ulterior motive behind them.
Years ago when I was somewhat still sleeping, I bought into the 23 and Me. I got my mother-in-love one and my husband one. I remember watching my mother in law (who would have been in her late 80s at the time) read all the fine print and deliberately not initial/sign the section that would put her in a database of some sort, to ostensibly connect with other relatives in the world. She said she had her will written and wasn't about to change it, lol. Turns out she was more awake than me back then.
I did the same thing but I needed it to save my life. I have no regrets. I also did it back when they were a brand new company, long before the obama administration temporarily shut them down. When I got in you could ask them to destroy the sample. In the end there's no way for me to know if they honored that agreement, but I think most of the shady shit happened after obama shut them down, made changes, then allowed them back up to sell their tests again.
I know what pku is, and believe me, I've already been through all this. I've known about it for 10 years. They have my daughter's sample. They didn't get my son's because I gave birth to him at home and told my midwife I will NEVER do pku, and I informed her what is being done to it so she started alerting all her patients. You can start here. https://biononymous.me/newborn-dna-storage-raises-serious-privacy-concerns/ If you dig you'll find old news reports from parents trying to get their kid's samples destroyed and how impossible the state is making it for them. A lot has already been scrubbed though. It's much harder to find this info today than it was 10+ years ago when it was openly reported by the local news.
Here's more: https://www.newsweek.com/2014/08/01/whos-keeping-your-data-safe-dna-banks-261136.html
Even canada: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/storage-of-newborns-blood-samples-raises-privacy-concerns/article4318768/
I think with a database like that, they could clone anyone. With the information the average person has given to Facebook, they could simulate a person's life without anyone noticing. Use that to program their clone and then send them out to do their nefarious deeds. I suspect famous people would be first picks due to their effectiveness getting people to follow the "stars". But anyone who was getting too much of the wrong attention (in DS eyes) would be subject to being cloned with the original disposed of, if this is something they do.
Clones need time to grow. It would be really hard to make a replacement on demand. How does that work exactly?
Idk, but I have heard 'conspiracy theories' that it only takes 4 months to make a full grown clone.
We tecently had our son, rejected all shots / tests except potassium k because they guilt tripped the hubby... They seemed less anal about the shots / tests this time around with our last child... I assume that means we didn't do this pku? Or did I miss something?
This was four months ago so perhaps they no longer require this?
I always thought they did this tbh because I was born at home, didn't get a "birth certificate" until three years later, and when I went to deploy in the military they almost denied me deploying due to this "delayed" birth certificate. Not sure if they're connected but I always suspected it could have been because of not having my DNA from when I was a baby... Not sure, couldn't make sense of it otherwise.
The pku isn't a shot, they call it the heel prick, they are taking a blood sample from each infant.
They didn't poke him from what I'm aware of...
Did you keep your baby with you at all times? It's very quick and mandated so it's not something they would just forget. This has been the standard for many decades.
I had to laugh because there's an opt-out card you can fill out -- and I kid you not -- if you opt out, they still hold your blood sample for 100 years before destroying it, but pinky promise they're not doing anything with it.
I was like wtf. You opt out... yet they keep it for 100 years?
Lol, yeah and in some states you don't even get the fake opt out option, they just tell you that you have no choice.
23andme is selling the data, they say it's a hack because they don't want people to know that this was always their intent for it.
As in Lucifer soul group lines incarnating in human bodies on earth ?
The perfect vessel must be searched for.
Hmmm. Why would “they” be the perfect vessel?
Wish i knew. Just seems like they're searching for the right bloodline. Maybe Mary's to make a fake jesus. No idea, just throwing ideas out cuz we're all clueless kek.
The bene gesserit have been tracing bloodlines for thousands of years to find the perfect being... /s
(it hard to resist ya'll its freaking amazing how nutty this all seems.. its like science fiction... these people are truly sick)
Selling the data? Who's buying it?
Perhaps they want to demonstrate that ASHKENAZI Jews are really gentiles, or that they are predisposed to certain disease-causing genetic mutations and use the data for nefarious reason? There is a popular belief they have very strange DNA not found in other human beings, among other common beliefs. In other words, there are lots of reasons for someone stealing a dna database of ASHKÉNAZEI Jews. Maybe the ASHKÉNAZI Jews want to disprove perceived falsehoods about their DNA.
XFiles S3E2 "Paperclip"
Smallpox vax tissue samples in filing cabinets @ secret base: https://youtu.be/ogaJX7quR4o?si=QFPoB62du-iUJ9Z_
Looks like the reincarnation of Hitler is at work again . Ha
This is weird. I was just asking in another thread about a whole bunch of people I saw at the National Zoo in DC last week. Apparently they were all Ashkenazi Jews. That's a weird coincidence.