If we take it to mean seduced than I would argue it is a spiritual seduction rather than a physical one. Satan got Eve to question the Word of God. At first she got God’s command correct. She told satan she was not supposed to eat from the tree. So satan changed tactics. He then told her that it’s not that you’ll die but become like God. He got Eve to question God’s intention; question if He was really good. Like God was trying to be sneaky and that’s why He really didn’t want them to eat from it. Satan got her to “eat” a new theology, “seduced” her into a new way of thinking. We see that time and time again in the OT where Israel turns their back to God, question His commands and look to other gods. I think God even calls it adultery in Isaiah or Ezekiel (I would have to find the Scripture). So in a way Eve did get “seduced” by satan but I don’t think it was a physically sexual way how the first comment states.
That makes a lot of sense. It could also fit the equation. But, isn't there also some discussion about Cain having a "mark" that separated him and made him "noticeable" from others? I seem to remember something like a horn, or a color. To have that type distinction, wouldn't he need to haver a different father? I'll not travel to far down this path here.
What could that mark be? Would it be discernable to anyone or only to those that God gives that insight to. I sometimes see people & make immediate judgments on that, not by any obvious 'mark' but something about them, hard to explain, but something about them just looks evil
I believe it’s discernible. A hooked nose? Although they hide it with plastic surgery today. Have you heard the term “Eyes above ears is someone to fear”?
Sanpaku eyes? Ever heard that term? It’s a rabbit hole.
These are all characteristics, along with a few other, that are possible.
yes, definitely it was spiritually seduced. The fall that occurred when Eve united with Lucifer was spiritual in nature. BUT, because human love is deeply intertwined with our sexual nature (God created us with two sexes so that through our union male and female - we can experience the profound love of God in that unity of husband and wife) Eve 'eating the fruit' with Lucifer was a sexual form of union BUT in the spirit.
Eve had both a spirit and a body, but Lucifer only had a spirit (no body). So, the fall interaction between them was indeed sexual in nature (because it all hinged on Eve's capacity to love aka 'eating the fruit') and she fell in a sexual love entanglement with Lucifer, but one that was spiritual in nature.
We can correctly understand the sexual relationship between a husband and wife as more than merely physical. It is also extremely spiritual in nature. From that perspective, its possible to understand that in some form, there could be a sexual union between a woman and an angel, but that it would be spiritual in nature only, and not material or physical.
As human beings, we have a fleshly body and a spirit body. Our spirit body has eyes, ears, touch, taste, just as our flesh does. But our spirit sees, hears, touches spiritual things, spiritual reality.
So when Eve ate 'the fruit" (which is the symbol of Eve's capacity to produce the next generation through her sexual love), with Lucifer, it was a sexual entanglement in the spirit. It bound her to him, through the power of (fallen) love. When she did the same thing with Adam, they united also physically, but OUTSIDE of God's blessing, and under Satan's influence.
"know" is often used in the Bible to mean "sexual union". "Adam knew his wife, and she conceived...."
The result of this is that all the descendants of Adam and Eve are born in Satan's lineage (meaning Satan has a claim over it, NOT that we carry Satan's DNA, which isn't possible because Satan has no material DNA). That's why we must be 'reborn', through Christ. But through the cross it is only spiritually reborn into God's spiritual lineage. That's why the second coming is necessary. So that humanity can unite with Christ at the second coming and be 'reborn' also physically, meaning, our flesh would be removed from Satan's jurisdiction, influence and claim.
Rom 8: 23 Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
Adoption is only necessary if you are from another lineage.
That is interesting. Something I will need to think on a bit. But your explanation makes more sense than Eve having sex with satan and then that is how Cain can about. Thank you for sharing.
I often think about what Paul wrote: now we see dimly as in a mirror. THEN we will see face to face. Now I know in part, then I will know fully, even as I am known.
There are many parts of the scripture that were not understood, because the time was not ripe (IMO).
Regarding the fall, the flesh and lineage, one can use the analogy of a building. Humanity was created to be the vessel, the body - the temple - of God in the universe. God's purpose of creation is to experience love in the universe through dwelling in human beings, his children.
So, think about a building - a temple. If a holy man builds the building and dwells in it, it is holy. But if he were taken and murdered, and an evil man came to dwell in it instead, then the building becomes evil, defiled. There is no change in the building itself, but only in the purpose and who owns it, who uses it.
Another point worth reflecting on: in scripture, God told Adam "the day you eat of the fruit you shall surely die". But Adam ate the fruit and then lived for 400+ years (biblically). So did God lie? No. The death caused by the fall was spiritual death. Adam and Eve DID die when they ate the fruit.
What is physical death? It is when the connection between the spirit and the flesh is severed, and the flesh can no longer house or respond to the spirit.
What is spiritual death? It is a human being being cut off from God's love and light. It is falling from the spiritual realm where God is the center into the realm where Satan is the center. It is moving from God's sovereignty to Satan's sovereignty.
So Adam and Eve did die when they ate 'the fruit' - aka had the sexual love relationship with Lucifer (Adam only indirectly with Eve, but he inherited fallen nature from her).
What is resurrection? It is moving from Death to Life. It is moving from the spiritual realm Satan is Lord (aka spiritual death) to the realm where God is Lord (spiritual life).
The nature of the Fall and what happened, and the issues of death, resurrection, rebirth and salvation, are all deeply intertwined.
If we take it to mean seduced than I would argue it is a spiritual seduction rather than a physical one. Satan got Eve to question the Word of God. At first she got God’s command correct. She told satan she was not supposed to eat from the tree. So satan changed tactics. He then told her that it’s not that you’ll die but become like God. He got Eve to question God’s intention; question if He was really good. Like God was trying to be sneaky and that’s why He really didn’t want them to eat from it. Satan got her to “eat” a new theology, “seduced” her into a new way of thinking. We see that time and time again in the OT where Israel turns their back to God, question His commands and look to other gods. I think God even calls it adultery in Isaiah or Ezekiel (I would have to find the Scripture). So in a way Eve did get “seduced” by satan but I don’t think it was a physically sexual way how the first comment states.
That makes a lot of sense. It could also fit the equation. But, isn't there also some discussion about Cain having a "mark" that separated him and made him "noticeable" from others? I seem to remember something like a horn, or a color. To have that type distinction, wouldn't he need to haver a different father? I'll not travel to far down this path here.
Yes Cain had a mark. His father is Satan.
What could that mark be? Would it be discernable to anyone or only to those that God gives that insight to. I sometimes see people & make immediate judgments on that, not by any obvious 'mark' but something about them, hard to explain, but something about them just looks evil
Your instincts are correct. Study peoples features. That something about them is leading you in right direction.
I believe it’s discernible. A hooked nose? Although they hide it with plastic surgery today. Have you heard the term “Eyes above ears is someone to fear”? Sanpaku eyes? Ever heard that term? It’s a rabbit hole. These are all characteristics, along with a few other, that are possible.
imo, you are both right and wrong.
yes, definitely it was spiritually seduced. The fall that occurred when Eve united with Lucifer was spiritual in nature. BUT, because human love is deeply intertwined with our sexual nature (God created us with two sexes so that through our union male and female - we can experience the profound love of God in that unity of husband and wife) Eve 'eating the fruit' with Lucifer was a sexual form of union BUT in the spirit.
Eve had both a spirit and a body, but Lucifer only had a spirit (no body). So, the fall interaction between them was indeed sexual in nature (because it all hinged on Eve's capacity to love aka 'eating the fruit') and she fell in a sexual love entanglement with Lucifer, but one that was spiritual in nature.
We can correctly understand the sexual relationship between a husband and wife as more than merely physical. It is also extremely spiritual in nature. From that perspective, its possible to understand that in some form, there could be a sexual union between a woman and an angel, but that it would be spiritual in nature only, and not material or physical.
As human beings, we have a fleshly body and a spirit body. Our spirit body has eyes, ears, touch, taste, just as our flesh does. But our spirit sees, hears, touches spiritual things, spiritual reality.
So when Eve ate 'the fruit" (which is the symbol of Eve's capacity to produce the next generation through her sexual love), with Lucifer, it was a sexual entanglement in the spirit. It bound her to him, through the power of (fallen) love. When she did the same thing with Adam, they united also physically, but OUTSIDE of God's blessing, and under Satan's influence.
"know" is often used in the Bible to mean "sexual union". "Adam knew his wife, and she conceived...."
The result of this is that all the descendants of Adam and Eve are born in Satan's lineage (meaning Satan has a claim over it, NOT that we carry Satan's DNA, which isn't possible because Satan has no material DNA). That's why we must be 'reborn', through Christ. But through the cross it is only spiritually reborn into God's spiritual lineage. That's why the second coming is necessary. So that humanity can unite with Christ at the second coming and be 'reborn' also physically, meaning, our flesh would be removed from Satan's jurisdiction, influence and claim.
Rom 8: 23 Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
Adoption is only necessary if you are from another lineage.
That is interesting. Something I will need to think on a bit. But your explanation makes more sense than Eve having sex with satan and then that is how Cain can about. Thank you for sharing.
It's interesting, isn't it.
I often think about what Paul wrote: now we see dimly as in a mirror. THEN we will see face to face. Now I know in part, then I will know fully, even as I am known.
There are many parts of the scripture that were not understood, because the time was not ripe (IMO).
Regarding the fall, the flesh and lineage, one can use the analogy of a building. Humanity was created to be the vessel, the body - the temple - of God in the universe. God's purpose of creation is to experience love in the universe through dwelling in human beings, his children.
So, think about a building - a temple. If a holy man builds the building and dwells in it, it is holy. But if he were taken and murdered, and an evil man came to dwell in it instead, then the building becomes evil, defiled. There is no change in the building itself, but only in the purpose and who owns it, who uses it.
Another point worth reflecting on: in scripture, God told Adam "the day you eat of the fruit you shall surely die". But Adam ate the fruit and then lived for 400+ years (biblically). So did God lie? No. The death caused by the fall was spiritual death. Adam and Eve DID die when they ate the fruit.
What is physical death? It is when the connection between the spirit and the flesh is severed, and the flesh can no longer house or respond to the spirit.
What is spiritual death? It is a human being being cut off from God's love and light. It is falling from the spiritual realm where God is the center into the realm where Satan is the center. It is moving from God's sovereignty to Satan's sovereignty.
So Adam and Eve did die when they ate 'the fruit' - aka had the sexual love relationship with Lucifer (Adam only indirectly with Eve, but he inherited fallen nature from her).
What is resurrection? It is moving from Death to Life. It is moving from the spiritual realm Satan is Lord (aka spiritual death) to the realm where God is Lord (spiritual life).
The nature of the Fall and what happened, and the issues of death, resurrection, rebirth and salvation, are all deeply intertwined.