I don't believe at all that this is literal or modern era, but I do think it may be a reference or nod to the synagog of Saturn , and the "brave beautiful world" Q is continuing to showcase.
This was spoken to the Christians in Smyrna, which is referred to as the ¨persecuted church.¨ The tribulation and suffering that would last for ten days was most likely the times of persecution under the ten Roman Caesars since the birth of the new covenant Church. They were: Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Severus, Maximinus, Decius, Valerian, Aurelian and Diocletian. The last of them, Diocletian, had the most believers slaughtered.
The tribulation and suffering that would last for ten days was most likely the times of persecution under the ten Roman Caesars since the birth of the new covenant Church.
Correction: a "day" in biblical prophecy equates to a literal year (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:4-6), meaning ten years of persecution were prophesied.
The last of them, Diocletian, had the most believers slaughtered.
Indeed, and the Diocletian Persecution lasted for ten years, from AD 303 to 313.
Appreciate the comment. We need to define what you mean by ¨evil.¨ While he is popularly regarded as an enlightened ruler and ¨philosopher-king," it is well-documented that he brutally persecuted Christians in AD 177. Look up the martyrs of Lyon and see what you find.
I actually am looking forward to WHATEVER this is as that will signal THE END of Biden and cabal is near and CLEAN UP is happening.
I remember bringing that up years ago at Voat.
I don't believe at all that this is literal or modern era, but I do think it may be a reference or nod to the synagog of Saturn , and the "brave beautiful world" Q is continuing to showcase.
Lol... Early bird gets the worm?
I went straight for Golden pepe and afaik I'm the only one who got it!
And I realized I had bad phone typos too. Corrected
Have you asked the Mods for one?
👆 This! 👆👆👆👆
Could this be Biden's disappearance since Covid and then pulling out of running for President?
This was spoken to the Christians in Smyrna, which is referred to as the ¨persecuted church.¨ The tribulation and suffering that would last for ten days was most likely the times of persecution under the ten Roman Caesars since the birth of the new covenant Church. They were: Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Severus, Maximinus, Decius, Valerian, Aurelian and Diocletian. The last of them, Diocletian, had the most believers slaughtered.
Correction: a "day" in biblical prophecy equates to a literal year (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:4-6), meaning ten years of persecution were prophesied.
Indeed, and the Diocletian Persecution lasted for ten years, from AD 303 to 313.
Appreciate the comment. We need to define what you mean by ¨evil.¨ While he is popularly regarded as an enlightened ruler and ¨philosopher-king," it is well-documented that he brutally persecuted Christians in AD 177. Look up the martyrs of Lyon and see what you find.
A Lot of Philosophers get into Christian bashing. Voltaire and his ilk come to mind.