Iranian Embassy: "Time is Up"
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You know what I like about Iranian Embassy? They dont say "In 48 hours time will be up!" or "This countdown on our site will tell you when the time is up". They simply tell you when the time is up, and thats that.
It has also been 10 days of darkness for Gaza today....
Just saying...
The hashtag in that tweet is not Hebrew so it didn't get translated, I translated the Arabic with an online translator and it says #flood_al-aqsa
The Hamas attack on Israel was called operation Al-Aqsa Flood.
In case anyone might have wondered.
I did. Thanks.
Thank you very much! I appreciate that, I tried but my phone wouldn't let me copy the text in the hashtag.
Sh!ts gettin real...real fast. This, plus Jordan's proclamation today:
Both sides are shaking their dead babies at each other and it is entering into total war. As it seems, Nothing Can Stop This War.
Any attempt to displace Lahainans is an act of war
Perhaps next time you should at least click through to the link. This is a statement made by the Nation of Jordan and not Jim Jordan.
Well shit, still sounded good to me. I guess I'm just fed up about hearing about other countries every damn day while everyone forgets about our neighbors here at home.
Anyways, I stand corrected. 🍻
A big part of this countries problems stem from headline readers who are manipulated through confirmation bias. Lets break the chain and be well informed.
Agreed. 🍻
We all need reminded from time to time because we all fall into these traps occasionally. Its easy to recognize it in others, not always so easy to see it in ourselves. Carry on, anon.
Good question.
Everything is so strange.
Who, what, why …. How…. WHEN???
"Who?! What, what?!"🦉