posted ago by NicoleDuhtrole ago by NicoleDuhtrole +29 / -0

Halloween is in 2 weeks. The origins of this holiday are may not be entirely wholesome, but things evolve and get repurposed. Dressing up in a costume is one way to bring attention to a topic.

For example: That painting of Bill Clinton in a blue dress. That is hilarious which makes it a great costume. People who have seen the news story will get it. Those who haven’t won’t understand. That is an opportunity to talk about Jefferey Epstein and how he blackmailed people. It’s also an opportunity to check which news stories people pay attention to. But that one is so 2019.

Face mask costume https://media.communities.win/post/xxkEezSxq1vS.jpeg

Some notable news this year: Dylan Mulvaney and Bud Light

Vaccine Zombie? https://www.brighteon.com/e6c842d1-0388-4dc0-8fd9-c84f23f735c2

Any other ideas for costumes that might be good conversation starters?