I just need to get this out regarding Israel. How do you capture a dangerous animal? Ever watch a video of how viligars catch a tiger that has been killing people? The whole village traps it! Do you not see the whole world has surounded Israel on all fronts? Then we add in we have a new submarine heading to israel made in Germany we are searching for? Do you realize it must get to Israel to arm itself with nukes? The aircraft carier strike groups from USA and the ships from China are to contain the dangerous animal. I hope this clicks. We control Iran, it was an Israli dream to take out Hamas. It was a set up! Israel is in a cage and their submarine is unarmed. WWG1WGA! Pray, not everything will be clean.
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There is a 3-way going in each country and region. First, there are the people of each nation, who I call the hostages. They are the ones who truly lose during a conflict. Second, there is a control structure, aka the deep state. They are globalist in nature but each nation has one and they tend to the local while be loyal to the global. Third are the local Patriots for each who also subscribe to the world wide sovereign alliance. It takes two to tango so obviously the people should side with their interests.
The next month or so will be rough seas. We are ready. We got this.
It's going to be rough for the next 12 1/2-15 mths, my fren
Type 212 and 214 are very interesting to say the least. Very stealthy.
Note the Popeye Turbo cruise missile with nuclear war head capability.
Searching for a submarine = Red October
I like your theory. Time will tell.
We are doing a “solve the problem “ not a kick the can down the road.
[they] can't accomplish much without the Will of The People, and it took a very long time to gain what [they] do have. Since [they] 're losing (or already lost) what [they] managed to gain, [they]'ve no choixe but to go full retard on us to finiah the job.