I fully believe that he is my Lord and Savior. But I've got some repentance that I've been having a real hard time with. Struggling so to speak.
I know I have to fully surrender. I just don't know how.
Maybe a better question is how to repent and get help from Jesus doing it? I'm sure many of us are trying, failing, and trying to figure it out particular sins that we struggle with.
I know this may be the place to ask and find someone who can give real advice on how they changed their life, maybe some scripture advice, and repented. I've prayed a lot to ask God to help me, and he HAS in ways I didn't expect. But I know he wants me to take the wheel and drive rather than him taking care of it. I just don't know how to fully surrender and accept things the way that they are.
Anyways, thanks in advance. Prayers and advice would be much appreciated.
God Bless You All.
Well...we know that you are a poet...this was wonderfully stated. The fantastic thing about repentance is that the definition is to make an about face...to turn around and go in the other direction. When we do this we leave our sin behind us...we are unable to see it because satan no longer has power over us to remind us or taunt us. That is the gift of God when we truly repent...our sins are gone...gone...gone...as far as the east is from the west..."He whom the Son sets free is free indeed". Our sin no longer has power over us unless we choose to continue in our sin...which puts it in our path to become part of our life once again.
True confession leads to true repentance which leads to true forgiveness which is truly a precious gift from our Lord Jesus Christ...what a miracle...
"gone...gone...gone...as far as the east is from the west."
Perhaps you have listened to Spurgeon's sermon Plenary Absolution which is on Psalms 103:12 “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.”
I do love Spurgeon and will listen/read his sermon...but actually I was singing the children's chorus from 60+ years ago that I learned...
This was written in 1951 and it amazes me how things we have learned so long ago can remain in our hearts and minds...this is why I am such a big fan of scripture put to music...what a terrific way to learn scripture...thanks for all your positive comments on GAW.. glad to see you back and commenting...
This guy to me is the quintessential Spurgeon preacher, or how I imagine Spurgeon might have sounded, and the sermon the greatest sermon on the power of prayer. Have a listen. https://drive.proton.me/urls/ANHAHHQN88#6CBeEzikGkQs
The entire sermon is great, but this part particularly was very meaningful to me.
I see clearly enough why the branch gets all it wants while it abides in the stem, since all it wants is already in the stem, and is placed there for the sake of the branch. What does the branch want more than the stem can give it? If it did want more it could not get it; for it has no other means of living but by sucking its life out of the stem. O my precious Lord, if I want anything which is not in thee, I desire always to be without it. I desire to be denied a wish which wanders outside of thyself. But if the supply of my desire is already in thee for me, why should I go elsewhere? Thou art my all; where else should I look? Beloved, “it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell,” and the good pleasure of the Father is our good pleasure also: we are glad to draw everything from Jesus. We feel sure that, ask what we will, we shall have it, since he has it ready for us.
The next reason for this is, the richness of the Word of God. Catch this thought, “If my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” The best praying man is the man who is most believingly familiar with the promises of God. After all, prayer is nothing but taking God’s promises to him, and saying to him, “Do as thou hast said.” Prayer is the promise utilized. A prayer which is not based on a promise has no true foundation. If I go to the bank without a check, I need not expect to get money; it is the “order to pay” which is my power inside the bank, and my warrant for expecting to receive. You that have Christ’s words abiding in you are equipped with those things which the Lord regards with attention. If the Word of God abideth in you, you are the man that can pray, because you meet the great God with his own words, and thus overcome omnipotence with omnipotence. You put your finger down upon the very lines, and say, “Do as thou hast said.” This is the best praying in all the world.
Thank you so much for ministering to my spirit today...you can't imagine how I was so hungry to be reminded of this truth...it brought me to tears as God's truth so often will...I have many things in my life weighing me down and many petitions that I have placed in God's hands that I am totally trusting Him to "take care of" in His way and in His time.
Thank you for sharing what you didn't know I needed...but God did...He is SO good...I do believe you have matured spiritually since I first met you and I want to say it suits you...these times we are living in demand that we are right with God and know Him and His Word more intimately than any other thing in our life. God bless you and yours...
Love it. Surprised that I never heard it before. We were in church every Sunday. My mom and dad, while they did not wear the faith on their sleeve were faithful Christians.
I grew up around stories of how God blessed our family that were miracle like, and have experienced miracles worked on my own life, yes miracles is the only way to explain some of the things I have witnessed, and just because the world downplays miracles simply as longshot events that happen despite extreme odds, why should I deny what I know to be true.
I don't know if I have recounted any of this to you or not, so please excuse me if I have.
I actually forgot about something that happened to me back around 1976, and did not remember until I started reading Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander.
I was in a head-on collision that left me in a coma for a while. When I awoke from my coma, I was 1000% certain that I had been in the presents of Jesus, and familiar angles, maybe my grandmother who herself was known for her almost legendary faith. The clarity of my mind on this was beyond question. It's been many years now so I can't exactly recall events, but I still I have an evanescent knowledge of the profound feeling of love and forgiveness I felt in his presents.
Because of this event I also saw my mom's unshakable faith at work.
She told me that when she first heard that I was in a terrible car accident, and her and my dad were advised to rush to the hospital with the understanding that I may not live long, that she almost fell apart. But when she arrived at the hospital, people were commenting "how can you be so composed and at piece, at this trying time?"
She told me that when she realized that she could not take the stress of me dying, she turned it over to God, said lord I can't handle this, so I put it in your hands, your will be done. And she told me that a piece beyond understanding fell upon her, and she knew without the slightest doubt that i would be okay. I have always wondered if it was my mothers trusting faith that lead to my being presents with Jesus and angles.
Wow what a story...one of the things I have on my heart is a head on collision my daughter was involved in at the end of January...please pray for Christina....God knows her every need and what is at stake...the elderly couple that she hit have received a 2 million dollar settlement from her work although their injuries were not life threatening. It is sad and complex but unfortunately a reality we are all dealing with ...God is answers prayers...thanks for sharing a story that I had never heard...God is SO faithful...that must have been quite an experience...
Have you ever seen the movie Nefarious? (This is not a mythical Hollywood flick) The top exorcist in the Catholic church called it the most accurate film depiction the true way Satan operates. There are no scenes throwing up pea soup, or climbing wall or spinning round of heads and all the normal nonsense.
Found this...maybe you are interested....
I absolutely want to see this...never have...I don't watch TV or movies but this sounds like a "must see"...it sounds like a terrific date night...thank you again...
Another interesting video about Nefarious..
You ever see this?
Thank you so much for sharing the Spurgeon video with me...I have always enjoyed the postings in Unleashed and this certainly will make the devotions even more precious. I am in awe of great men of God who listen to His voice in obedience and are able to be used so greatly to affect people's hearts toward the Gospel message. I always enjoy knowing "the rest of the story"...life is just so exciting if we only know where to look for the heart of God in mankind or even through his nature...
No I will watch today...my husband is hunting...evidently the rutting season is in full swing so I guess we will watch Nefarious next week...thanks...I like Spurgeon...a thinking man...