“You don’t fundamentally transform something you love, you fundamentally transform something you hate”
🔍 Notable
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That’s why I got so SICK of hearing about chaaaange. We want change…”change to what”…just better, a real change…”but specifically what do you want changed”., anything really, everything…. ????
And now look at us. Technically we were screwed back then to, just many of us didn’t know it. But when somethings good, somebody yells out “we want change!” And everyone applauds. I’m like sitting there going, “what are we applauding!?”
TIL Obama hates America.
Yes, of course. The same goes for a significant other - if they try to change you then they don't like you.
I thought it was Dennis Prager who first made this observation. Either way, it's important the point is getting recognition.
Good for Levin. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
This is very true.
Change = deprogramming of those who love the USA to those who should hate the USA.
🖕🏼change and 🖕🏼you Obama 🎣
Paraphrasing Obama in 2010: There is too much competition among too many health insurance companies. We need politically mandated corporate consolidation so that a health insurance oligopoly can engage in price fixing and raise people’s premiums, deductibles, and copays while reducing their coverage and benefits. With politically captured exorbitant profits the health insurance cartel can bribe me so that my Michael and I can buy multiple sea-level properties while hoaxing climate change.
I can think of one counter example. Jesus fundamentally transforms us in love.
I used to hate when hopey-changey Black Jesus used to throw that phrase around. I knew from the moment he was starting to be "pushed" that his definition of "fundamental change" and mine did not, and never would, match up.
I used to hate when hopey-changey Black Jesus used to throw that phrase around. I knew from the moment he was starting to be "pushed" that his definition of "fundamental change" and mine did not, and never would, match up.
I used to hate when hopey-changey Black Jesus used to throw that phrase around. I knew from the moment he was starting to be "pushed" that his definition of "fundamental change" and mine did not, and never would, match up.