The list pertains to the plane that was owned by Epstein. Therefore, the log book belonged to him. Using “‘s” is proper grammar rather than a plural “s.” Since his name did not end with the letters “s,” it would be incorrect to use “s’” also.
Exactly just watched one of his fights and was wearing the Jimmy K shirt. Props to this man for using his platform to get the message out to the sheep.
At the event last night everyone had let’s go brandon t-shirts even the fighters teams.
The Tennessee crowd kept chanting LGB whenever it got quiet too it was awesome.🐸
We were there last night too. I noticed these shirts as soon as we got there...There was a dude fighting after this guy's match named Brandon so they were piggybacking off the FJB chant which was done numerous times on the side we were on. We sat in section C with a group of 4 guys behind us having a ball away from their wives it was loud but hilarious.
But he spelled Trump was indicated by the people on epstines list wrong.
'BEFORE ANYONE' should read 'BY THOSE'
And lose that damned apostrophe!
Epstein is client list?
Everything about this reply is top kek.
Including user name.
Thank you for making my day.
The list pertains to the plane that was owned by Epstein. Therefore, the log book belonged to him. Using “‘s” is proper grammar rather than a plural “s.” Since his name did not end with the letters “s,” it would be incorrect to use “s’” also.
I get it but two down votes have sand in their vaginas
Radical grammar nazis lol.
The T-Shirt looks correct. You need to check your spellings I believe.
Hahaha. Some interactions online are dumb, but also fun.
Good one ! And so true !
This Is The Way
Where the list Jimmy
Exactly just watched one of his fights and was wearing the Jimmy K shirt. Props to this man for using his platform to get the message out to the sheep.
At the event last night everyone had let’s go brandon t-shirts even the fighters teams. The Tennessee crowd kept chanting LGB whenever it got quiet too it was awesome.🐸
We were there last night too. I noticed these shirts as soon as we got there...There was a dude fighting after this guy's match named Brandon so they were piggybacking off the FJB chant which was done numerous times on the side we were on. We sat in section C with a group of 4 guys behind us having a ball away from their wives it was loud but hilarious.
Besides the grammar issues: bare knuckle you say? Can we assume the gloves are off?