I saw this video last night and started watching it this morning, seeing some of the dates of his prophecies I noticed he predates the start of the Q drops.
It popped to mind that perhaps he was a part of the Q collective with a prophetic warm up.
I'm not sure either way as but I'm dubious of anything and everything in this era we find ourselves in. I do hope and pray this whole The Plan thing is Godly, but my Faith is wholeheartedly with my Heavenly Father.
Either way, if your a Trey or Kim fan, I'm sure you'll enjoy the video. If you're a subscriber on God in a Nutshell Project, there's a part two as well.
God Bless, have a Blessed day!
Edit: Apologies if this has been touched on previously on here, maybe that's why it popped to mind, but I don't recall seeing such.
Obama began my awakening process, but I was fully awakened with a sledgehammer when the vaccine rolled out. I’m like a reformed smoker in that I can “smell” it on everything now. Im a nurse of over 25 years and truly thought the world was ending in 2019. I got out of nursing because I could not participate in the murdering. I found Kim Clement at that time and he led me here. I’m thankful every day for finding him, and you. I feel like he brought me into the light. He brought me closer to God.
I love that Kim’s work and message are still reaching people even though he has passed away.
Kim Clement was amazing........
IF GOD could use Moses, Noah, David, Esther... to thwart this EVIL enemy, THINK how many he has used and is using to FINALLY wipe them out. Maybe even you and me.
This is what I have been thinking too.
Love Kim/Trey. T/u.
I love Trey & Kim- this was awesome! Will have to watch part 2 now..
What's that you say, about 17 years ago? (46 second mark).
Interesting, definitely a worthy little sidetrack to search...
Thanks for posting this link. I did not know of this channel. It's always good to go over Clement's words.
Trey does have some other videos with Kim, but his videos are really good.
I haven't looked to see what all he has on his Rumble channel, but his YT channel has a ton of videos. Check out his Theory of Everything video, good stuff.
Thanks, will check them out.
So, there was a requirement to sign up in order to see part 2. I did something I do very infrequently and signed up. But nothing happens when I try to watch part 2. The page just sits there no matter which arrow or box I press. Is there a trick to it? Rather a bad look.
I believe it's only viewable by paid subscribers.
On prophecy! Wonder what Scripture will be pulled out of the quote bag this time!
Interesting! Test the prophets, but with what criteria does the Scripture say? What are all the requirements that a prophet must satisfy?
A true prophet's message must be in harmony with the word of God and the law of God:
A true prophet's predictions must come true:
A true prophet edifies God's people:
A true prophet exalts Christ as the Son of God in explaining all the Scriptures:
A true prophet speaks with authority:
A true prophet will bear good fruit:
Wow, that's a lot of criteria! But wait, here's something a little different!
A true prophet will exhibit definite physical signs when in vision:
Wow, that's a tough act to follow! The prophet first falls down weak, is raised up and strengthened by God (Samson was strengthened by God, and what physical feats did he accomplish? Judges 16:3), has eyes wide open during vision, and does not breathe during vision, but can speak. One wonders if other Bible "translations" include the entirety of Daniel chapter 10, or if they tweak a word here, and add a letter there. Why would this be the case?
samson was a Judge, not a prophet.
End of film says part two is free but at the web site it appears to be still by subscription only
Yeah, I saw it in my Rumble feed last night and didn't even realize there was a part two until I logged in this AM to watch.
I subscribed a few months back, really like his work.
I struggle with all this. I do not have the clarity and discernment to understand and so it is confusing. Part of the issue is that these are selected clips and so I don't have the video of the entirety of his rallies or sermons. I believe that Trey Smith is sincere but he is a story teller. His story is one I want to hear (we are in the dark valley but we will be led out into a bright place) but I don't want to fall to confirmation bias. But even at the most basic level, this forces me to study and to contemplate...This is intuitively good.
"perhaps he (Kim Clement) was a part of the Q collective"
... Or perhaps Q is a part of the bigger plan revealed, in parts, by the prophet.
Thanks for posting this. I've seen many of the full-length Clement videos. Trey Smith does an excellent job of stitching them together in a material way. I hadn't seen this one before.