It’s a power trip. Every mod on every board everywhere acts like this. Every social media CEO acts like this. Every publishing company and movie studio and TV network. Power corrupts. They just can’t see it in themselves. They can see it when other people do it to them, but not when they do it. Then they all whine and bitch as they lose control of the narrative and can’t figure out why people aren’t agreeing with them. It’s because they censored the arguments but the arguments are still out there and people are still finding them. Think about all the ad hominem and censoring of Q on T_D and ask yourself, “Why doesn’t that persuade me?” It’s because if you’ve actually read the Q posts and studied the proofs, then it’s obvious the people mocking and censoring Q on T_D don’t actually know anything about Q.
People think that debunking a strawman is a slam dunk argument but it only works on people who don’t know what the actual argument is. This doesn’t just happen on FE, it happens on everything. Climate, Trump, J6, Covid, Kavanaugh, vaccines, 9/11, Ukraine, etc. Think about the anti-Trumpers who think they have a slam dunk argument with “he called Neo-Nazis very fine people!” and how baffled they are that that argument doesn’t work. They have to rationalize and tell themselves half the country are neo-Nazis. They literally don’t know what they don’t know and can’t see what they can’t see.
It’s a power trip. Every mod on every board everywhere acts like this
Self-entitled nonsense from a username with TWO POSTS in your entire history. EVERY low-effort loser on every forum everywhere acts like this. What is it with you? Is it a lack of power trip? You do nothing around here, yet think that our content policy should be changed so that flat earth fucktardery is allowed, just to accommodate a low effort loser who contributes jack shit?
I totally hear what you are saying but you know FE is different. There are some presuppositional things that are so basic that not understanding them makes you pretty much not able to effectively function in modern society unless you plan on being a low level wage slave for the rest of your life
Yesterday's FE sticky was about bots pushing the FE narrative on Twitter. I posted CLEAR proof of bots doing so, but what was the discussion about, instead? Retarded idiocy like "5 Or 6 mOdS ShOuLd nOt bE ThE TrUtH PoLiCe".
GAW is awesome because the mods keep the glowing bullshit in check. If you're too stupid to understand that India went to the moon LAST MONTH, that we just returned to Earth with over 60 kilos of asteroid samples thanks to the OSIRIS-REx mission to Bennu, YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO LIVE and will be handed a Bud light and shown to the bleachers where you belong.
I'll tell you what happened, someone posted this, and I stickied this. I'm not even the head mod here. I stickied this because this is exactly what the FE stuff does to conversations focused on Q/GA related material here. FE must go to, it's not in the scope of Q.
Should we potentially not have OP's post? Yes, maybe. Maybe both sides should be shut down in regards to opening threads about it.
To act like one side are the ones who keep bringing it up is disingenuous and factually incorrect, because it's only because it was brought up in other threads that OP made this post.
The mods and people attacking and disparaging it are the ones who keep bringing it up.
If this is a q board about q and we are supposed to stay on topic about q why do the mods keep talking about FE and sticking posts about it?
It's almost like they want to talk about and cause fights because they are bored.
It’s a power trip. Every mod on every board everywhere acts like this. Every social media CEO acts like this. Every publishing company and movie studio and TV network. Power corrupts. They just can’t see it in themselves. They can see it when other people do it to them, but not when they do it. Then they all whine and bitch as they lose control of the narrative and can’t figure out why people aren’t agreeing with them. It’s because they censored the arguments but the arguments are still out there and people are still finding them. Think about all the ad hominem and censoring of Q on T_D and ask yourself, “Why doesn’t that persuade me?” It’s because if you’ve actually read the Q posts and studied the proofs, then it’s obvious the people mocking and censoring Q on T_D don’t actually know anything about Q.
People think that debunking a strawman is a slam dunk argument but it only works on people who don’t know what the actual argument is. This doesn’t just happen on FE, it happens on everything. Climate, Trump, J6, Covid, Kavanaugh, vaccines, 9/11, Ukraine, etc. Think about the anti-Trumpers who think they have a slam dunk argument with “he called Neo-Nazis very fine people!” and how baffled they are that that argument doesn’t work. They have to rationalize and tell themselves half the country are neo-Nazis. They literally don’t know what they don’t know and can’t see what they can’t see.
ditto x 2
Self-entitled nonsense from a username with TWO POSTS in your entire history. EVERY low-effort loser on every forum everywhere acts like this. What is it with you? Is it a lack of power trip? You do nothing around here, yet think that our content policy should be changed so that flat earth fucktardery is allowed, just to accommodate a low effort loser who contributes jack shit?
Honest question
I think it's fair to say that some contribute by posting, and others contribute by commenting, and some by both.
I wouldn't discredit a pede just because they comment rather than post. But maybe that's just me.
Ps. Thank you mod. Love the mods.
I totally hear what you are saying but you know FE is different. There are some presuppositional things that are so basic that not understanding them makes you pretty much not able to effectively function in modern society unless you plan on being a low level wage slave for the rest of your life
"keep bringing it up"
Um, I've seen two posts on this in the last 6 months. I think the keep bringing it up thing is a tad on the side of hyperbole.
Yesterday's FE sticky was about bots pushing the FE narrative on Twitter. I posted CLEAR proof of bots doing so, but what was the discussion about, instead? Retarded idiocy like "5 Or 6 mOdS ShOuLd nOt bE ThE TrUtH PoLiCe".
GAW is awesome because the mods keep the glowing bullshit in check. If you're too stupid to understand that India went to the moon LAST MONTH, that we just returned to Earth with over 60 kilos of asteroid samples thanks to the OSIRIS-REx mission to Bennu, YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO LIVE and will be handed a Bud light and shown to the bleachers where you belong.
FE isn't allowed here, you know that. Be an example and stop bringing this conversation up, unless you intend to allow it's debate here.
I'll tell you what happened, someone posted this, and I stickied this. I'm not even the head mod here. I stickied this because this is exactly what the FE stuff does to conversations focused on Q/GA related material here. FE must go to, it's not in the scope of Q.
Should we potentially not have OP's post? Yes, maybe. Maybe both sides should be shut down in regards to opening threads about it.
To act like one side are the ones who keep bringing it up is disingenuous and factually incorrect, because it's only because it was brought up in other threads that OP made this post.