Greetings Gentlemen and board leadership/mods
Not everyone will be in agreement on some issues. In regards to subjects not permitted for discussion on this board, I ask sincerely that the members, moderators and leadership of this community stop posting and pinning unnecessarily divisive content. If it's not supposed to be discussed here and you pin a post in mockery; regardless of how right or righteous you may consider yourself to be, you're letting us all down.
Translation, flat earthers triggered?
there is Q or Q plus telling you NO
However, flat earth posts FOR or AGAINST should be removed immediately. Instead, one side gets stickied. It's a bad look for the board.
I got banned for this
Had the media gotten anything tangible that they could tie flat earth with Q, it would have driven away most people. It would have been main paged nonstop and the movement would not have gotten to where it’s at. Optics exist for reasons.
With that said I’ll end it on this. The khazarians jews have lied to us about everything except the earth, they totally told the truth on that one.
Didn't say it was a globe either
I disagree with all censorship. As an adult I know how to skip over or block any topic I am not interested in. Censorship and regimes begins with so called good intentions and expands to other topics. Truth never censors anything . TRUTH WELCOMES DEBATE. if you can't handle debate then your position is most likely shakey anyway. ROUNDERS are generally rude to FLATTERS.
I think that last post was the most fair post I have seen. The earth's shape is hard to prove for oneself.
Also, anyone wanna answer WHY the suns rays when seen through clouds, make it seem like the sun is really small and close by?
I love the mods here but I happen to agree with you. Ok, you don't like the flat earth stuff. I'm with you too. But if you don't want the topic to muddy up the board, probably best to stop muddying up the board with it.
"Flat Earth" stuff is being discussed at Mods are correct and fully justified in what they did. "Flat Earth" is a CIA disinformation psyop being used by their buddies in the MSM to discredit legitimate Q proofs and research. But this does not mean it is entirely false. Just wrong place at this time. Discussion on that topic may become more "mainstream" later once some public reveals of additional de-classified info are completed. It does not feel like the right time for this topic because it is NOT.
You mean like the FE BS?
Someone call the waaaaambulance. If you don't like it, keep scrolling. It works everytime.
You know what's divisive to a board? Trying to push a wedge between the users and the mods, making the mods out to be villains. It has been made clear that FE is not a welcome subject here & the vast majority of us agree with this. We've been over why many times but flat earthers refuse to change their mind when presented with new facts / debunk as this hurts their pride - they can't admit they were wrong. We know this behavior, happens all the time with vaxxers etc. By not accepting the decision the mods have made (again, in the eyes of most users this is reasonable), you are the one creating division. If the mods hadn't stickied it and just banned, you'd be sending DMs to people warning them of evil mods.
I'm a flat earther and I don't disagree with not allowing FE conversation here. I even liked the post explaining WHY it's not allowed.
But you can't keep mocking people and expect them to not wanna defend themselves.
The "level plane" anons like me are providing support for the the "flat earther's" doing research over at What is the origin of the word "planet" or "plane-t" or "plane-et"? What is the origin of "air-plane" from the late 1800s, early 1900s? There are lots of truths hidden in the language that have been borrowed/distorted/repurposed.
I can't get past water being used as a self-level in construction of large structures. Would this be possible on a globe? I doubt it.
Yeah I consider myself a round earth skeptic, I don't have a dog in the fight, I just would like to know, but it's tough.
For me it's the suns rays through the clouds.
It's the ultimate 2+2=5 and if you don't agree you are dumb.
Well maybe I am dumb, but I am what I am. I'm not going to pretend or go along with it.
No. You are not dumb. You are on to something. Keep asking questions, and keep looking into it. There appear to be many layers of the deception.
My awakening started for me with Trump going down the escalator and everyone saying I was stupid for "believing" the flat earth and nobody able to explain their actual beliefs.
I've been at war for the mystics ever since.
Keep at it. It may be a very long war with lots of battles yet to come. It is not unreasonable to assume that it may take 3 generations to fully eradicate the cabal and turn or ostracize their families. It looks like it took about 534 years for us to get where we are. I am tagging globalist victory over remnants of previous "world leaders" at around 1489, but appears they were battling for 200-300 years before that to get their victory, if we are to believe the current timelines.
Look for big events in 2026 around the 250th year anniversary of the Republic. It appears high probability to me that Trump and patriots will be publicly in charge by then. But the battles will likely not be completely over.
The brotherhood of the serpent... God is not going to take them away... We must keep healing ourselves and our own... Until He comes back...
I think it's probably more divisive to basically ignore the gentle way OP presented this topic. I don't the impression he's trying to drive a wedge between anybody. Just pointing out that while we may agree on lots of things, we don't agree on all things, that the mods are human too, and if they don't want pro flat earth stuff, it would probably be best not to tempt our flat earth brethren by posting about the topic themselves. I agree that if they don't want the topic discussed here, they should simply ban the topic, whether a perspective is for OR against. Not a bad suggestion if you ask me. And I happen to really appreciate the mods.
I got banned for expressing this same sentiment.