82 Has the revolution started? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by gbakes50 1 year ago by gbakes50 +83 / -1 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Ecuador fell today New Zealand capitulated today The Netherlands capitulated today Argentina capitulated last week
And, the so-called "right wing" parties in Sweden and Germany are gaining massive Support.
How could GAW Have missed Ecuador.
And here we thought the USA needed to turn first before the rest of the world
Assault chainsaws are not safe for their democracy.
Argentinian chainsaw massacre. ;-)
Stop consenting
You can stop selling him now. He already won. They can’t elect him any harder.
See Ecuador, New Zealand, Niederlande, etc
It’s incredible to see.
Now that he is President, maybe he'll attach a chain to that saw and get to the business of sentencing pedophiles and globalists.