I'd say it's because he's now controlled by white hats or he's in prison and the white hats are controlling his social media. it would raise too many eyebrows if he suddenly became MAGA so best red pill Georgey boy's influence can have is to be ratiod, hard! all the normies that follow him will be influenced instead by this phenomenon Asch Conformity Experiment
He said "boobs."
Said Beavis or Butthead. I never watched a single show, just clips online, so I don't know which is which.
The language here sometimes is over the top, will someone please think of the children!!?"
Oh my
Think mirror, although I don't think this is what Q meant literally, but still.
They wear it like a badge of honor just like we would if. things. were. reversed.
Because they're stupid and believe their own bullshit.
I'd say it's because he's so ignorant, he doesn't know how to get rid of comments he doesn't like. He pretends to be intelligent on TV.
Gay George must not be getting enough residuals from Star Trek.
...brought to you by Carl's Jr."
"Why do ya keep saying that?"
"because they pay me everytime I do!"
I'd say it's because he's now controlled by white hats or he's in prison and the white hats are controlling his social media. it would raise too many eyebrows if he suddenly became MAGA so best red pill Georgey boy's influence can have is to be ratiod, hard! all the normies that follow him will be influenced instead by this phenomenon Asch Conformity Experiment https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIh4MkcfJA&pp=ygUaYXNjaCBjb25mb3JtaXR5IGV4cGVyaW1lbnQ%3D
My opinion is that many of these accounts are fake. They will spew leftist garbage and won't defend their positions. Rob Reiner is another one.
Makes sense. More dummies like me that take a look, more money in their pockets. Who is the dummy then? I loathe these filthy animals.
Yes. boobs
No, it's because they don't have any facts to back up their idiocy