Q #4966 - my perspective 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by EnoughGunControl ago by EnoughGunControl +18 / -1

To add to u/ValueFuckingDeep's post: https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/17rT6e63ip/q-4966-explained/c

Q hasn't posted after the election fraud, until one and a half year later. By that time enough people realized that the election had been rigged. The lie that FJB won the election has been busted; the lie that vaccines are safe and effective has been busted, along with many others. This is an important milestone, as the Deep State can no longer manufacture any new lies without them getting noticed and exposed instantly. It is now safe to move onto the next step - exposing existing Bigger Lies.

This is a hard step for some, especially Christians. Do you know why Q spreads its message to the Americans? Instead of Latins, Europeans, Africans, Indians or Chineses? Because Americans are the most deceived people on earth. They are apostates to their own history. This is the same reason Jesus came to the Pharisees, instead of the Greeks, Romans, Iranians, or Hindus. Because the Jews were so alienated from their own heritage. Jesus called himself a physician, who came only for the sick. Americans are the sick men of the world. Yet it was the sick who rejected the physician. I have yet to see a Q hater who is not a Christian. And til this day in this sub, I have yet to meet someone who can refute my claims without evasion, interjection or omission.

As explained by u/ValueFuckingDeep, there is a higher level of deception that has kept on for centuries: "It is foolish to think that we have been lied and deceived about everything except the Church." In which I added: "Those who understand the objectives of GA know that Q would never advance a lie, let alone a 1700 year old one." He did not explain further, but I am sure some people here know what he is talking about. Before the Council of Nicea, the Church was not controlled by the State (of course, because the State at that time was against the Church!). This period of time came the greatest church fathers in history, Origen be one of them. The Christendom was growing, and the Pagandom was declining. Rome had to do something.

The fourth century witnessed the worst crime Rome has committed to Christianity, even worse than the suppression of Christians. During this time Rome violently suppressed the true believers of Jesus, Nazarenes, Ebionites and Gnostics, and burned their books, save for any surviving copies left. Rome inserted pagan concepts from Mithraism such as the Trinity and Virgin Birth, and removed the esoteric teachings, and banned the belief of reincarnation. By the time of Emperor Justinian the process is practically complete. The Byzantine text is essentially the manuscript sanctioned by Pagan Rome. What makes people think it could be any less corrupt than the Alexandrian text?

It was this time that marked the establishment of the church-state system which has not been challenged until the 18th century. (The Protestant Reformation did nothing to challenge the church-state system, but added even more unbiblical concepts such as salvation by faith alone - The word "alone" is absent from any manuscripts). The founders of America, who were Freemasons, by establishing the first Amendment, declared independence from the church-state system and secured the citizen's right to preach and believe without fear of persecution by the state, and re-opened the gate to the Kingdom that had been shut for 1400 years.

This was not done without opposition, as the same year the Americans declared independence, the Jesuit-trained Jew Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati and began infiltrating the European Masons. Just three years prior, the Vatican banned Jesuitry amid the wave of anti-Jesuit sentiment. Ever since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, they have been expelled from almost every nation on earth, in Europe, India, Japan and China. Infiltration and subversion is the primary strategy, and their goal is to retake control of the Protestantdom, and further beyond, of the world. Nevertheless, the Masons won and the Jesuit's plan to stop the creation of a free country failed.

The Jesuits have committed the worst crimes in humanity, as described in the report delivered to the King of France in 1762 by the Commissioners of the French Parliament. Since when did accusations of world domination and genocide shift to the Freemasons? One thing that motivated Leo Taxil to write a hit piece on the Freemasons, was a statement by Pope Leo XIII, which accused them of only one thing: the advancing of the idea of separation between Church and State. Before Leo Taxil wrote the hit piece, he was critical of the Catholic Church, to the point he was almost charged with seditious libel. He wrote it to lure the Catholics into believing the most ridiculous lies, as he admitted later.

During the 19th century the European colonists spread Christianity abroad, but they were terrified that the esoteric knowledge long erased from Christianity were still largely preserved and preached in the East. That was why they failed to convert the Hindus and Buddhists. Do you know why Atheism plagued the East in the 20th century? If they could not convert the East to Christianity, they could at least introduce Atheism to make them reject God totally, and remove the last traces of esotericism in the process, so they can introduce Pagan Christianity to the masses without opposition.

The Deep State is willing to do everything to divert your attention and keep you down. Today America is divided between the Bible-believing Christians and the God-denying Atheists. They are controlled opposition to each other, but only a few know the existence of the real opposition, which is attacked by all sides. This included the corruption of the opposition, know by most as the New Age Movement (Orientalist wannabees with the aim to bury true esotericism).

Now going back to the beginning of this post. Remember u/Mister_Winston who illustrated the four stages to wake up mankind? I think we are already past Level 4, and now into Level 5 - Spirituality. The Vatican was scared of its secrets being revealed to the public. They are scared of a people of free will and free thought. Pagan Christianity is the one-world religion they are trying to impose. It is time to expose them all.

Organized religion will disappear as everyone achieves their own unique spirituality. - u/bubble_bursts