This is huge. To give you an idea, consider that the head of the Nazi party, Martin Bormann, after the war was cashing million dollar checks in Argentina to fund a breakaway Nazi operation. Bormann also moved money through a joint bank account with Argentinian president Juan Peron. The money was coming from Swiss, German, and American banks. You can be certain that the executives and CEO's of multiple banks, especially Deutchbank, had direct visibility to the clearance of any check over a million dollars. So they definitely would have seen and recognized the signature of the head of the Nazi party on these checks in the 1940's, 50's, and 60's.
CBS journalist Paul Manning investigated this and wrote a book about it in 1981 called Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile.
Here's an excerpt from one of Dr Joseph Farrell's books about Bormann's banking activity in Argentina.
In my book, The Nazi International, I recounted a curious incident of an unusual check that was cashed in the early 1960s, revealed by the former CBS journalist, Paul Manning, an associate of CBS newsman Edward Murrow. Manning recorded the curious incident as follows, referring to FBI files on Martin Bormann’s whereabouts in Latin America:…John Edgar Hoover assigned the investigation to his most experienced and skillful agent in South America, who proved that he was just that by eventually obtaining copies of the Martin Bormann files that were being held under strict secrecy by Argentina’s Minister of the Interior in the Central de Intelligencia. When the file (now in my possession) was received at FBI headquarters, it revealed that the Reichsleiter had indeed been tracked for years. One report covered his whereabouts from 1948 to 1961, in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Chile. The file revealed that he had been banking under his own name from his office in Germany in Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires since 1941; that he held one joint account with the Argentinian dictator Juan Perón, and on August 4, 5, and 14,1967, had written checks on demand accounts in First National City Bank (Overseas Division) of New York, The Chase Manhattan Bank, and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., all cleared through Deutsche Bank of Buenos The implications of this event are staggering, and reveal the full extent of the breakaway civilization, for on the one hand, it is apparent that official agencies of the U.S. government are committing resources to discover the whereabouts of the infamous Nazi Party Reichsleiter, yet, clearly his existence is known to private American banking interests connected with the Rockefeller interests!. In other words, those interests are acting counter to the goals and objectives of the American government, and to that extent, symbolizes the American component of the breakaway civilization. It therefore requires a closer look.
There are many more layers too, like the remnants of the Nazi nuclear research building in Lake Bariloche, and the paper trail of Dr Joseph Mengele throughout South America. Argentina has been a Nazi playground since the 1940's.
The Julian's Rum thread about Snow Crash is fascinating. I had no idea.
It's amazing what defunding a decades-old CIA psyop will do.
Initial lib response#1: "Gateway pundit? eyeroll"
Second lib response# 2: "So what if it's true, it was for social justice."
Allen Dulles integrated thousands of Nazis spies into the CIA via Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's head of intelligence. The Dulles brothers were two of the worst traitors this country has ever seen.
We are watching the dismantling of a CIA psyop.
I remember there were a few Q posts that suggested Q was Catholic. Not that it matters. Any Catholic who's awake is fully aware their church has been infiltrated by Satanists.
You'll notice the chassis of the system is open. This is not a government issued system. Probably something Elon slapped together.
The government wastes so much money on PC's through a short 3-year refresh cycle. The system in that picture is definitely not a recent gen model of anything. That may be due to a distrust in the number of compromised CPU's that intel has been releasing.
Stew Peters went from annoyingly bad to Kathy Griffin bad.
I remember the left's free speech crusades in the 80's and 90's. Imagine their reaction if you tried to tell them back then "Buh-buh-but MISINFORMASHUN!"
All these CIA front groups suddenly have cover stories for closing shop. Wonder why.
I get it but teasing the Fren--I mean Canadians is like teasing my best friend. I love him but he really needs me around to humiliate him in front of everyone.
Thank you.
My Jewish buddies think the NWO is just Hulk Hogan's old WWE faction from the 90's.
If I bring up a Khazarian to them, they'll think I'm talking about one of those reality TV women who marries rappers.
Jewish normies have no idea what's going on, just like any other normie. Anyone who thinks all "the Joos!" are secret contributors to global control doesn't personally know any Jews. It's like saying all Catholics are pedos. It reminds me of when leftists adopted the slogan All Cops are Bastards. Don't be like the left.
I'll do that tonight or tomorrow. I dumped all the PDF's into PDF24 at the same time, and it's about halfway finished OCR'ing them.
There's a ton of proof that the CIA was infiltrated by Nazis, not Mossad. For those who think that's the same thing, I have nothing to say to that.
Before the war ended, Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's head of intelligence in FHO (Foreign Armies East), made a deal with Allen Dulles of the OSS in Switzerland. The deal, which Dulles honored post-war, was to keep the Nazis' entire intelligence operation against the Soviets intact and working for the future CIA. Dulles even agreed that German interests would take precedent over US interests when such a conflict occurred. This Nazi influence within the CIA was a two way street, much like Operation Paperclip and the NASA Nazis.
This means that Harry Truman's and Dwight Eisenhower's intelligence briefings on West Germany were personally written by Hitler's former head of intelligence.
It's no surprise that HW Bush, whose father helped fund the Nazi war machine as director of Union Bank, rode a fast track to the top of the CIA. HW Bush's oil background did not qualify him to lead the CIA, but his father's Nazi connections did.
All this to say it's much more plausible the CIA was steered by the breakaway Nazi civilization operating from South America than it was by Mossad.
The feeling when you've run out of MK Ultra drones and have to home grow your own false flags.
The CIA: "We ruin more countries than Islam."
In the big picture, it was solely a CIA operation. The CIA had stronger motives than Isreal. For instance:
Kennedy openly declaring he wanted to dissolve the CIA.
The CIA regarded the Bay of Pigs as a clear betrayal by the president.
Firing the founder and head of the CIA, Allen Dulles.
The CIA had already overthrown countries and assassinated leaders. Why wouldn't they do it domestically to a leader who committed the actions listed above?
The CIA had the resources and very eager accomplices. JFK and RFK backstabbed the mob. JFK intended to pull out of Vietnam. JFK got pushed around by Kruschev at the Vienna summit in 1961, which upset the anti-Castro Cubans working for the CIA even before the Bay of Pigs fiasco (which lends merit to Trump's statement in 2016 about Ted Cruz's father being involved). Then there were rumors of JFK wanting to collaborate with the Russians on space missions
All these reasons far outweigh any motives Isreal had. And it doesn't make sense that Mossad would give the order to kill a US president in broad daylight in front of a crowd, then leave the CIA to clean up the mess. They're smarter than that.
That logic is skewed by a bias against Isreal. The CIA had stronger motives than Mossad for assassinating Kennedy, primarily Kennedy's stated intention to dissolve the CIA, and secondly Kennedy's role in the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Throw in Kennedy firing Allen Dulles, a power-hungry sociopath who helped found the CIA. Isreal's motive comes nowhere close to those. The CIA already had a history of overthrowing governments and assassinating leaders. The CIA had the resources and willing accomplices in the mob who hated JFK and RFK.
If Mossad assassinated a US president, they wouldn't want it done in broad daylight in front of a crowd while trusting the CIA to clean up the mess. That doesn't make sense.
The #2 rule: They obtain instant reach and influence overnight, while more talented content creators never gain a fraction of that audience.
This further proves the #1 rule about controlled opposition: It is ALWAYS well funded.
Until you cut off their CIA slush fund.
Yep. Controlled opposition like Daily Wire is meant to both polarize us and corral us into a safe little box.
This lady made a video summarizing the findings of the first drop. It's very helpful and it's normie friendly.
Thanks, I was hoping someone would post a Mac solution.