President Donald Trump won the “in person vote” in ALL 50 states in 2020, while Biden only won the “mail-in ballot” vote for each state...
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Biden won fuck all. Even his mail In ballots were mostly fake.
A visibly demented and pedophilic moron, who barely manages double digit views and crowds, the few times he deigned to leave his basement, does NOT organically beat his opponent by 8 million votes, who incidentally trounced his own previous total and has millions of views and thousands to see him wherever he goes, EVER. And no amount of psyop, gaslighting and cognitive dissonance will convince me otherwise.
He's not even that; he's a dead man being impersonated by an actor in a mask.
Why do we keep going with the mask thing when his brother James already has attached ear lobes and looks like current day Joe? Him being replaced by James sounds less crazy as well.
We go with it because he doesn’t talk or look the same. And like I said in a different post the other day, we already know McCain was executed almost 7 years ago. You think they just halted hearing and executions? Hell no.
Still an actor
No way a dead man wins without cheating.
Exactly! Not only did he not win, but he isn't even here to gloat.
I know that's likely, my only thought is that it would have to be an actor who is willing to molest children. Oh...
From what I've seen of the current crop of actors in hollyweird, this one would be easy...
And there's this past performance that would cause any to choose others...
535 to 3 is a ginormous fucking obliteration and they took it from us!
It doesnt even pass the common sense test. People really have taken leave of all sense.
I guess if you tell a lie big enough most people will swallow it unfortunately.