🤔 “Emotion, AI, Criminals and Gort” — How A.I. Signed the Cabal's Death Warrant… Plus the Possible Origins of the Q Operation. (thought provoking Substack article about what has really been going on behind the scenes for hundreds or thousands of years) 👀
The guy claims Theodore Roosevelt to be a good elite. One side of his family became rich trading in slaves, and the other side became rich trading in Opium. As deep Cabal as possible.
Also, there is no doubt there is a fight to wrestle control of AI between the factions, but the connections made here are tenuous at best.
The idea that the cult started freaking out in 1800s because of AI is ridiculous. There were no computers let alone AI, and tracking criminals organizations does not need AI, just simple financial tracking software is enough.
Long before AI was developed, the same Cabal funded processors and computers to ensure they can rig their fraudulent fit financial systems. For almost 50 years the Cabal funded technologies, one after another, like clockwork to get to the point we are now.
The "fear" of AI is only a recent phenomenon as they started realising there is a AI behind the Q team.
There are also factual mistakes. Consider this claim:
Later it says
Indeed John Vereker the 6th Viscount of Gort died in 1946
Yeah ... it is a rather way out the ordinary supposition that in the mid 1800 certain people were capable of extrapolating where such a tech would eventually lead ...
Personally, I would place that sort of extrapolation later, 1890-1930 that period. When scouring through old books and physics theories ... we tend to stop at Einstein, but there were many other people disagreeing with Einstein, brilliant scientists hardly known to the wider public.
Then there is something else. Many physicist are meta-physicists .... This leaks out in many SF-books. They often echo ideas being developed in think tanks. A simple thing to consider is that these hypotheses have laid the ground work for the world we known today ...
I was amazed when I learned that the Luftwaffe in 1944 designed the flying wing and it worked and was operational. And stealthy at that. It took another 60-70 years before the next iteration of a flying wing came on the scene, bu the model was based on the 1944 design. See Skunk-Works.
It reminds me of what they themselves say: They have technology that will not see the light of day in the next 50 years, but is 70 years old.
Or: how about Over-the-Horizon Radar? IT already existed in 1944. Or, even the ideas and applications of Thorium.
These are all techniques and ideas that found it's basis in that time-frame: 1890 - 1930.
That said: I, indeed, think the writer of those substacks broaches ideas that are totally outlandish. Yet, I think it is valuable to pose these ideas and views, as it provokes a different perspective. It need not be true in totality.
"It need not be true in totality."
It needs only to be thought provoking enough to open new avenues of pursuit.
Indeed. That is what usually happens in the market place of ideas ...
Yes, Charles Babbage had only managed to model a portion of his Analytical Engine by the time of his death in 1871. It's a huge stretch to think any reasonable guess were being made about the A.I. possibilities of computers prior to that time. And of course the entire meaning of Artificial Intelligence has changed drastically since I first started studying it back in the 80s.
What people now call A.I. was more properly know as rule-based expert systems back then. It's only recently that the rule-base has been pretty much supplanted by a base of patterns augmented by machine learning (i.e., pattern recognition). Anyone who speculated on A.I. back in the 17th century was no doubt imagining a machine of real intelligence, and totally missed the boat on the actual direction the technology has taken.
Should 1951 have been 1915?
But Gort was released in 1951, so if he meant 1915 then it makes no sense for this connection.
Good description.
We do know military technology precedes the technology the General Public is aware of … for example the cell phone : the military was using cell tech back in late 1940’s … Think DARPA …