If you like tech history, you won't be disappointed.
Green Field Village used to have weekend theme events - old cars, fire engines, steam power, old engines, etc. Last time I looked, covid messed all that up. Saw some of the coolest stuff there - wasn't able to take it all in, in one day.
BTW, I used to think Green Field Village was better than the Ford Museum, which is hard to believe when you visit the museum.
Of course there are coincidences. Probably close to a million people share a birthday---each day of the year. Every solar and lunar eclipse is literally nothing other than a coincidence. 2.6 million people share the last name of Smith.
The presumption that "there are no coincidences" is simply a false myth, as these counter-examples demonstrate. This does not mean that all concurrent events are simply coincidences, but it does mean that coincidental events cannot be dismissed. We can't understand reality and truth if we engage in filtering them through a falsehood.
I don't understand "tbh." I've spent a career drenched in acronyms and contractions, and once when I looked up an in-house reference for an acronym that I wasn't familiar with, I got about 2 dozen possibilities. Instead of being an efficient form of communication, it was anti-communication. But that's an aside.
You have free will and you can disagree. But you can't claim that reason is on your side. You are embarking on denial of a fact, and that does NOT ground you in reality and truth.
I think it is a perspective thing. Iām kind of a fan of the butterfly effect. Even though things like birthdays seem to be coincidental, I would argue that they are the micro things that fine tune frequencies that create our reality.
I suspected that's what it might be, but I am worn out with guessing games.
It's entirely a matter of the numbers. Divide the population (360 million) by the number of days in the year, and the result is inescapable. You get a similar result if you estimate how many people are having lunch between noon and 1 PM. No fine tuning. You can, in fact discern the effect of intervention by the departure from statistical behavior (which is the norm...and leads to coincidences).
This is why one must take special measures to determine whether a given event can be explained as coincidence, and keep that in mind. There is a tendency on this page to equate a low probability with no probability, but that is a willful dishonesty. Traffic accidents are low probability events, but I have had a head-on collision when I least expected it. The whole science of reliability engineering is the effort to make undesirable events (system failures) a very low probability. The design objective for airliners is a probability of one in ten million for a critical in-flight failure. Sadly, it doesn't rule them out. Doing better is too expensive.
"33,000 donors." Do they just throw that # out there as a dog whistle? Anyway, what a tragedy. Surely some priceless artifacts in there. Very tough to think this would be an accident.
Wellll, they are the ones reporting it. I doubt masons would burn this down unless they had a real real real serious reason to do it now. I just find it interesting how they always come up with this 33 # and not think people aren't going to notice a pattern with that particular #.
Anyone caught burning down or destroying actual historical landmarks should have the same thing done to themselves. I'm tired of these people getting away with things but if we were to do it we get done in... why exactly can't we act? Just do something to prevent to further collateral damage that these dying Goliath's will cause...
Dont kill them but surround their every living space, let them and everyone know that we know where they live, eat, hide. Fight club this shit like damn...
That is Crazy! I am one of those 33,000 donors! Was planning on seeing it once they got it finished!! This is why we can't have nice things! Errrrrrrrr....
I bet the organization responsible for taking care of the property announce they are going to build condos on the land, maybe senior living. LI'ers, isnt it right on 25a?
It's never nice for decent buildings to be destroyed in fire, but the building was the only connection withTesla. It had been gutted of his equipment and tower long before, and used as a place for business operations. Before being sold to the museum project, it had been a film processing location for Agfa. Nothing of Tesla-related technology value was present.
Damn... no coincidences... wonder what's up?
Not likely there's anything left there of any technical value. If it's nefarious, it's the same MO as every effort to remove our history and heritage.
I would figure so, but it has to be scratched off my bucket list of places to visit none-the-less.
If you've never been to the Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, those are worth a full day each.
Cool fren, Iāll add that in its place! š
If you like tech history, you won't be disappointed.
Green Field Village used to have weekend theme events - old cars, fire engines, steam power, old engines, etc. Last time I looked, covid messed all that up. Saw some of the coolest stuff there - wasn't able to take it all in, in one day.
BTW, I used to think Green Field Village was better than the Ford Museum, which is hard to believe when you visit the museum.
His ideas are in a safe place.
This for sure. I'm sure the cabal has been using his technology for a while now.
I'm curious. What technology and where is your evidence? Or are you just dreaming this up?
Yes they are fren! š
Not sure...still digging...
Of course there are coincidences. Probably close to a million people share a birthday---each day of the year. Every solar and lunar eclipse is literally nothing other than a coincidence. 2.6 million people share the last name of Smith.
The presumption that "there are no coincidences" is simply a false myth, as these counter-examples demonstrate. This does not mean that all concurrent events are simply coincidences, but it does mean that coincidental events cannot be dismissed. We can't understand reality and truth if we engage in filtering them through a falsehood.
I respectfully disagree. And tbh, this is what helps ground me in reality and truth.
I don't understand "tbh." I've spent a career drenched in acronyms and contractions, and once when I looked up an in-house reference for an acronym that I wasn't familiar with, I got about 2 dozen possibilities. Instead of being an efficient form of communication, it was anti-communication. But that's an aside.
You have free will and you can disagree. But you can't claim that reason is on your side. You are embarking on denial of a fact, and that does NOT ground you in reality and truth.
Sorry, tbh = To Be Honest
I think it is a perspective thing. Iām kind of a fan of the butterfly effect. Even though things like birthdays seem to be coincidental, I would argue that they are the micro things that fine tune frequencies that create our reality.
I suspected that's what it might be, but I am worn out with guessing games.
It's entirely a matter of the numbers. Divide the population (360 million) by the number of days in the year, and the result is inescapable. You get a similar result if you estimate how many people are having lunch between noon and 1 PM. No fine tuning. You can, in fact discern the effect of intervention by the departure from statistical behavior (which is the norm...and leads to coincidences).
This is why one must take special measures to determine whether a given event can be explained as coincidence, and keep that in mind. There is a tendency on this page to equate a low probability with no probability, but that is a willful dishonesty. Traffic accidents are low probability events, but I have had a head-on collision when I least expected it. The whole science of reliability engineering is the effort to make undesirable events (system failures) a very low probability. The design objective for airliners is a probability of one in ten million for a critical in-flight failure. Sadly, it doesn't rule them out. Doing better is too expensive.
Fuck. I'm one of those donors. Fuck you, DS!
Me also, fren. Sad to see so much of the progress in restoration destroyed.
"33,000 donors." Do they just throw that # out there as a dog whistle? Anyway, what a tragedy. Surely some priceless artifacts in there. Very tough to think this would be an accident.
masons responsible?
Wellll, they are the ones reporting it. I doubt masons would burn this down unless they had a real real real serious reason to do it now. I just find it interesting how they always come up with this 33 # and not think people aren't going to notice a pattern with that particular #.
Fire is a great way to control history.
Absolutely. And, erase history.
The library of Alexandria has entered the chat.
I'd say that's about par for the course.
Anyone caught burning down or destroying actual historical landmarks should have the same thing done to themselves. I'm tired of these people getting away with things but if we were to do it we get done in... why exactly can't we act? Just do something to prevent to further collateral damage that these dying Goliath's will cause...
Dont kill them but surround their every living space, let them and everyone know that we know where they live, eat, hide. Fight club this shit like damn...
Tread them like a Jan 6 prisoner
There was absolutely nothing left inside this building, not a scrap of paper or document, and only the remnants of a few wires running down the walls.
It was all that free energy building up over time.
Didn't HRC step in personally to save Edison's lab in Menlo Park, NJ? Cabal securing tech for themselves?
Don't recall that...
That is Crazy! I am one of those 33,000 donors! Was planning on seeing it once they got it finished!! This is why we can't have nice things! Errrrrrrrr....
Don't worry Q-Ducky, I have a feeling POTUS will see that it's rebuilt!
I bet the organization responsible for taking care of the property announce they are going to build condos on the land, maybe senior living. LI'ers, isnt it right on 25a?
It's never nice for decent buildings to be destroyed in fire, but the building was the only connection withTesla. It had been gutted of his equipment and tower long before, and used as a place for business operations. Before being sold to the museum project, it had been a film processing location for Agfa. Nothing of Tesla-related technology value was present.