💥 BREAKING: OMG obtained an internal document from IBM ‘s RedHat that reads like a religious text: The "Allyship Commandments" are 10 race-based rules employees must observe. (Sauce in comments)

Was never a fan of RedHat anyway. I wonder if these views are shared by Fedora and whatever CentOS became (Alma? Rocky? idfk), or if it's an IBM thing.
Older programmers are usually based. Newer college trained ones are typically white knight beta males (or blue-haired landwhales).
RedHat is the parent of fedora, so I would bet on the same from fedora as it is many of their same devs. CentOS is part of RH too.
Alma, Rocky are independent projects that use the RHEL sources. I would not could them in this unless they come out and say it.
I have found with fedora everything worked for me on my desktops and laptops since I switched a few years back.
I guess I'm going back to having to fix shit on occasion.
If you replace WHITE with "Cabal POS", atleast the 3rd point makes perfect sense. They always project.
Or Jews.
https://t.me/OKeefeMediaGroup/752 sauce
IBM? Oh that company that worked woth nazi Germany to put numbers on their captives?
They even have a display unit at the holocaust museum in DC. I couldn’t believe it was right there and IBM doesn’t seem like they have gotten much publicity about this. There may have been some but missed it
Every white person working there should quit.
Or better yet, sue the crap out of them.
Unrelated, but yet another case of "It's someone else's job to fix everything!"
But hey, maybe we should. If it came down to "fixing racism," POC would just sit back and cry and demand monetary handouts time and time again as "reparation". After taking the hand out bitch about white people and racism again until the next handout.
If so inclined white people would actually fix something that needs fixing.
IBM is the mother of all corporate cultures.
Don't ask me how I know.
To add, this is an X post by O'Keefe media, with the full list:
Oh, and this gem from the document
Unless you're white. Then you're not included.
O... k...
Sounds like it was written by a jew.
Blame whitey, then slip out the back.
Typical...yawn ....
These people are creating racists out of all peoples.