That was for the Catholic Church, The true church existed before and still exists today apart from the Catholic Church. If the catholic church would be the only church and the true church then there would be any scripture whatsoever authorizing such an organization but I read 0 entries in the New (or old) testament regarding the pope and it would be impossible to have the catholic church without the pope.
This is what all early Christians believed and continued to believe for over a thousand years.
It's also just evident that a doctrinal authority is needed. If nobody agrees on doctrine, nobody is worshiping God, but their own interpretations of the Bible and thus of God.
The councils didn't decide on a whim what books should be in the canon. Instead, they more or less recognized and affirmed what was already widely accepted and used by Christian communities.
Think of it like this: The councils weren't picking books out of thin air. They looked at what most Christians across various regions were already considering authoritative and divinely inspired. It's more like a ratification process than a selection process.
So, the councils didn't play a "Let's choose random books" game. They were more like, "Hey, these books are already being read and respected by the majority of Christians. Let's make it official."
Matt. 16:15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
I love this exchange have you ever done a word study on it? Petra vs Petros. Peter (Petros) means small rock or piece of stone the "Rock" his confession (Petra) is a massive boulder. Peter goes on to be a wonderful man save for denying Christ but everyone of them forsook Him. However this verse does not confirm Peter in a position above any of the other disciples / apostles at the time. But merely the power in Confessing Jesus as Christ and all that comes with it: belief, repentance, and baptism.
Yeah, no. If anything the councils that determined what books were inspired and which were not excluded many false books that were known Roman Empire creations meant to cause division among the Christians. Now people call these “the lost books” but they were never lost, they were known frauds even AT THE TIME. If the Romans were in control they would have included such books.
Jesus Christ did not write the bible and Jesus did not found Christianity.
The Roman Empire founded the church and was in control of what was allowed in the bible.
This is poppycock.
Council of Nicaea. 325 AD.
That was for the Catholic Church, The true church existed before and still exists today apart from the Catholic Church. If the catholic church would be the only church and the true church then there would be any scripture whatsoever authorizing such an organization but I read 0 entries in the New (or old) testament regarding the pope and it would be impossible to have the catholic church without the pope.
The Catholic Church is the True Church.
This is what all early Christians believed and continued to believe for over a thousand years.
It's also just evident that a doctrinal authority is needed. If nobody agrees on doctrine, nobody is worshiping God, but their own interpretations of the Bible and thus of God.
You mean the council where Emporer Constantine opened up by making himself subordinate to the bishops?
Let's straighten this out.
The councils didn't decide on a whim what books should be in the canon. Instead, they more or less recognized and affirmed what was already widely accepted and used by Christian communities.
Think of it like this: The councils weren't picking books out of thin air. They looked at what most Christians across various regions were already considering authoritative and divinely inspired. It's more like a ratification process than a selection process.
So, the councils didn't play a "Let's choose random books" game. They were more like, "Hey, these books are already being read and respected by the majority of Christians. Let's make it official."
There were probably thousands of writings, they included what fit the Roman Narrative.
Since you don't explain why I have to assume that you're just triggered.
The comment I’m responding to offered no evidence/explantion for their assertions.
Matt. 16:15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
I love this exchange have you ever done a word study on it? Petra vs Petros. Peter (Petros) means small rock or piece of stone the "Rock" his confession (Petra) is a massive boulder. Peter goes on to be a wonderful man save for denying Christ but everyone of them forsook Him. However this verse does not confirm Peter in a position above any of the other disciples / apostles at the time. But merely the power in Confessing Jesus as Christ and all that comes with it: belief, repentance, and baptism.
Yeah, no. If anything the councils that determined what books were inspired and which were not excluded many false books that were known Roman Empire creations meant to cause division among the Christians. Now people call these “the lost books” but they were never lost, they were known frauds even AT THE TIME. If the Romans were in control they would have included such books.