"New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Signs Bill To Consider Slavery Reparations" - The swamp loves to spend your money! 😡
🧠 This Lady Is Stupid!
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Well, then she better get started preparing reparations for everybody that they’re gonna be putting in those FEMA camps. Now that’s real slavery. Perhaps people can apply after that, if they make it through.
I am just gonna identify as black
I dub thee, Martin Luther Cream.
Good point. The American people want reparations from the federal reserve slavery money system. We're going to get it too. Not some phoney political rhetoric.
I want reparations for the last 3 years.
Me too! How about all the illegal income tax we've paid? Would ya like that back. Illegal property tax??
I'm all for reparations as long as they forfeit their citizenship and go back to Africa. You want a refund? I want you citizenship then.
40 acres and a mule...in liberia
It's just some shit talk to their base, for the upcoming election.
The base falls for it. But, one of these days one of these governors is gonna push it through just to start some sh*t.
I doubt they could raise/ borrow money to do it.
California just gave it up.....
Did they? I didn't know.
Read it here in the last few weeks, you could probably search for it.
Bingo. It’s election year “let’s have some racial political football for the blacks”. Trust me. Obama was the last straw
Its there playbook,they pull it off the racists shelf everytime an election is around the corner to gin up there black base always dangling the reparation's carrot and it never see's the light of day once their back in office, seems however the blacks are slowing waking up to their party with all the illegals pouring into their broke POS city's,remember the black lady in the chicago capital bldg,she says,if you publican comes and talks toous
Yup. The black folks are definitely starting to see it... it's not white against black it's cabal, swamp creature, globalists against we the people.
And police shooting/ riots.
Signing a bill to consider something is like announcing you have to use the bathroom. A complete shitshow
True, but still good to expose these bitches.
i totally agree.... any CURRENT new york slaves need to get hold of their owners for their fair share... if you're not a current slave and not a current slave owner, then you're off the hook.
It worked so well for San Francisco. 🙄
Hahaha... they're stupidity knows no bounds. So how they think we don't see it.
The money and the thanks should go to Republicans for all the lives we lost to free them.
What about those descended from all the black slave owners
How about people of mixed race? Do they pay and then get paid? Lol...so ridiculous.
Haha what a circle jerk.
Hahaha...great way to put it...
New York is soooo broke this has got to be blowing smoke up people's butt for votes.
These people are stupid.
Yes, but they are desperate also. Better to kill the country then to get hung for treason in 2025
How would you even sort that out?...if whities came in the 80s do they owe...and what's the percentage cuttoff?...is Pocahontas exempt?