Epoch Times infograph on why no one believes Climate Scientists anymore
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CBF! Climate Bullshit Fatigue.
40 years of datefagging didn't help either.....
“Climate Scientists” don’t do science. They simply collect data, manipulate the data, and form an OPINION on what they expect to happen.
Remember, figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.
The earth’s climate varies year to year as it is driven by the sun’s energy. Man does NOT impact the climate.
Yes, and like TV weathermen, they are ALWAYS wrong.
My favorite example of this lack of credibility is the signs in Glacier National Park warning that by 2020 the glaciers would be gone. They arent and have actually expanded.
Staying on glaciers, they always point to the shrinking glacier on Kilmanjaro but always neglect to mention the expanding glaciers on mountains just 30 miles away.
Maybe yhe only reason theh want to stop the glaciers from melting is because it would expose what they are hiding in antartica
We figured out they are fucking boldface liars for money. A bunch of Neil degrasse Tysons.
Oh, MM of hockey stick fame.
It's a nice graphic timeline of headlines. Thanks for sharing!