This is outright banana republic stuff. They just have no shame at all. I can't believe they actually have the audacity to even try this nor that Democrats eat this stuff up and still cry about MuH DeMocRaCy
"Scary what it will take". You ain't shittin'. Sheeple and libtards have basically already admitted they are okay with non-fair elections, the government spying on them, the government forcing lockdowns, shutdowns, forced or coerced consent for experimental RNA altering concoctions, etc.
Seriously, if we are going to see escalation until mass awakening, It might take full blown concentration camps for dissidents. Even then, I think there'd be many "Stand with Ukraine" people fully supporting Trump supporters being subject to torture and gas chambers.
Yeah, it seems as long as it happens incrementally, the demoralizing narrative of powerlessness pushed by an all encompassing and ever-saturating media will lull most of the normie public into a passive state of doom and helplessness.
This is outright banana republic stuff. They just have no shame at all. I can't believe they actually have the audacity to even try this nor that Democrats eat this stuff up and still cry about MuH DeMocRaCy
And most of the common Dem folk still see all this as ok. Scary what it will take.
"Scary what it will take". You ain't shittin'. Sheeple and libtards have basically already admitted they are okay with non-fair elections, the government spying on them, the government forcing lockdowns, shutdowns, forced or coerced consent for experimental RNA altering concoctions, etc.
Seriously, if we are going to see escalation until mass awakening, It might take full blown concentration camps for dissidents. Even then, I think there'd be many "Stand with Ukraine" people fully supporting Trump supporters being subject to torture and gas chambers.
Yeah, it seems as long as it happens incrementally, the demoralizing narrative of powerlessness pushed by an all encompassing and ever-saturating media will lull most of the normie public into a passive state of doom and helplessness.
Communists and secret societies are destroying our country.
Always have been
IMO they are being forced to expose themselves. Pee-wee Herman movie theatre style.
that does put a damper on our popcorn enjoyment if you bring pee-wee in on it...