I am am unvaccinated and anti vax. But I'm curious about this. I have seen various estimates claiming that deaths among the death are up from 75% to 1000%. As insurance rates tend to be based mostly on the probabilities of health expenses, shouldn't we be expecting the amount we pay for insurance rates to go through the roof already?
Does it more than 2 years to reassess risks? Are governments secretly subsidizing these industries? What are your thoughts regarding this?
edit: cancer is particularly one health risk that is reported to have greatly increased. Cancer treatment is one of the most expensive medical costs, and I think we would see a change in insurance premiums if it has gone up as much as some are reporting.
I agree and the possibility that the vaccine is mostly harmless needs to be on anons radars.
If black hats can fake school shootings and COVID deadliness, there's no reason that vaccine harm and die off couldn't also be faked using the same methods--primarily fake anecdotes and statistical gamesmanship.
The healthcare data is too opaque and sloppy to be analyzed IMO. I'm deferring to analysis of my social circle and the vaccinated don't seem to be doing significantly worse (at least in ways that I can firmly attach to the vaxx).
Just watch your local obituaries. It amazes me how many 50-60 year old's are dying suddenly. Unless you are suggesting those are fake too.
Had a 35 year old friend die suddenly before Christmas, and I've seen a bunch of premature births in my circle. Definitely not harmless.
I've seen way less births. Lots of people saying it's hard to get pregnant again, it's normally hardest the first time.
Nobody has died close to me in any way that could be attributed to the vax. However, one person was in the hospital for blood clots in the lungs, and another had their period for months straight and had to take at least 2-3 pharmaceuticals and an iron supplement for over a month to resolve the situation.
Other than that, nothing serious. However people are very noticeably getting sick more. Between friends and family it seems like there's always someone sick. Right now 3x close family members are sick, and one of my friends was sick in the last week or so.
I'm the only person out of my family and close friends that didn't take the vax, and I'm the only one who hasn't had a single health problem. I've gotten sick once in the past 3yrs, had a fever, and was mostly better same day. Had a cough that somewhat stuck around for a week or so though.
The silver lining is they finally stopped bugging me about getting the vax, although they still get them.
There is one last thing I remember, at work we did have one person "die suddenly". She was apparently fine one day, the next day out sick, and the day after that dead. I work in IT so had to disable her account and that's how I found out about it. I work at a large MSP and we manage hundreds of clients though, so I can't really say "oh I know someone that happened to!" With a large enough sample size it's bound to happen.
I'm with you. If the vaxx is as deadly as is being touted, my social circles should be imploding. They are not.
Why/why not?
It is too easy to say that only some batches were contaminated, my circles cross multiple states. It is improbable that they all received uncontaminated vaxxes, unless the vaxx IS mostly harmless.
I'm wondering if it's a controlled demolition mass kill. Can the self-assembling nanotechnology be a remote way to kill people? Slowly? Give them a heart attack? Cancer? Low potassium to stop their heart? I've been thinking about this and have no idea if it's possible.
Angel, I totally believe that this is possible.
Do I have proof, no.
Instead, I am looking at the predictive programming that is out there.
Have you seen No Time to Die (007)? Nanotechnology programmed to kill based on genetic markers.
Have you read Shift by Hugh Howey (part of the Wool/Silo series)? Nanotechnology. Whatever can be programmed to stitch body parts together, can be programmed to unstitch/break apart said body parts.
I believe that what we see in the realm of entertainment is probably 15-20 years behind what is actually possible.
None of those you mentioned. The book sounds good. I just happened to have on Robocop 2 yesterday and caught a little of it. Was made in 1990 and is about a dystopian Detroit with a drug problem called "nuke". It mirrors much of what we've seen with the opiate problem and of course, look at Detroit. I said that to myself yesterday, predictive programming.
Are your circles mostly in red or blue states? I think red states got more hot batches than blue states, so there could be more deaths in the red states than normal.
I have heard that, too.
I'm in a blue state. So, homeschool (450+ families - 2 hour radius) and church (800+ members) no out of the ordinary deaths. Out of the ordinary defined as being less than ~80 y.o. or as a result of a post-covid/vaxx illness.
In both communities, a funeral would be well known. I teach at the home school and this would be communicated to the teachers. At church, we pray for the families - also if the person who died is not a member but the surviving family member is, we would pray.
Family, extended family, friends are all over the country (red & blue states).
The only out of the ordinary death has been a family member (20 y.o. who died in a firearm accident).
No post-covid/vaxx cancers or other illnesses (new or returning) are being mentioned.
EDIT: Just remembered. Not a death, but a guy I know took the shot. Said he got myocarditis. Now says he is cured. Sounds like b.s. to me, but this is what he said. Blue state. J&J shot.
Totally Agree on ALL Points!!
same boat. But I needed to expand my circle. My own close circle wasnt too affected but when I started asking my friends circle, there were some clusters that had a lot of sudden deaths in 40-50 year olds. I write off 65+ y.o deaths bc thats really could be anything. But those under 45 is certainly suspect.