Mike Johnson was supposed to be this hard as nails maga Republican, but now that he has the speaker ship it seems like he's doing the same shit as every other rino. Soft words and advocating for border security when he has the power to literally cut the funding of border patrol and all the agencies on the executive branch who aren't doing their fucking job. The stroke of a pen is all it would take for him. Yet here we are getting like 100,000 illegal migrants coming in every single fucking day. He has the power to starve the executive branch and all the three letter agencies into submission. Yet he doesn't. Why is it that every person who gets into the speaker ship within a matter of months starts toeing The establishment line? My guess is they found something on him or his family or he's been bought off.
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You have to show the people what's going on. Look, if the borders were shut down then prospective democrat voters would not be able to come in and be signed up. Americans would not see that. If illegals didn't get free hand outs, Americans would not see that. If illegals didn't rise up and demand human rights, Americans would not see that. All of these things are happening because the border is open. We have to show all Americans that the democrats are doing these bad things to open their eyes. Sure, normies hate open borders, but we can absorb a million illegals in order to get rid of the deep state and democrat party. Johnson might be working along side of the white hats to bring down the cabal, just in a manner we might not be able to see. Patience is what's needed.
We've been showing them for three years. Frankly I'm sick of that excuse for everything. Call me a doomer but if we have to experience even 1/2 of what has been promised, I think I'd rather see a civil war. Explain to me why it would be worse.
....and in the meantime, America is FOREVER overpopulated by people that are not part of our heritage, do not appreciate our history, and do not belong here. Cultures and diversity of cultures is only possible when differences are recognized and respected. Fuck the 'show'. We need Patriots on the border doing what we need to do to keep the encroaching herd of illegals from entering- and I do mean EVERYTHING needed...including violent repression. We are a predominately Christian nation and our culture is rooted in our European heritage with some noteworthy contributions by other cultures that have shared attributes of their cultures with our dominant American culture. I do not care about 'showing' Leftists, Marxists, and idiot modern Liberals anything. Fuck them. They will never understand because they lack love of country, belief in a Creator, and rational, reasonable thinking.
End all immigration
"Why is it that every person who gets into the speaker ship within a matter of months starts toeing The establishment line?"
Because you can't be a politician unless the DS has blackmail on you.
Or he and his family has been threatened with physical harm. Little to no courage in congress.
Border will be closed in summer...not to keep invaders out (they already have enough)..to keep us in
Mike is a compromised pussy.
Why is nothing being done about our more important crisis’ of disease and finances? What do i care about the border if i’m dying from bad food, bad doctors, and bad pharma, and i’m broke to boot? The border is not the greater problem.
no one can agree on who has final authority, so state and federal both act like they do and something has to go to court and probably be appealed all the way to the supreme court and then the feds will still behave like they are in charge even if the supreme court rules against them.
Because he is uniparty. Those participating are richly rewarded down the road.