"Prince Charles" is on the Epstein Island visitor list. Could the King's name be the redacted portion? UK media is today consumed with abdication rumours.
🏆 - Goodbye Charlie - 🏆

If Monarchy isn't Communist, why did the UK ally with the USSR is World War Two?
...because the Nazis were threatening to take over all of Europe, and potentially the whole world?
Is that a serious question?
Germany had no interest in taking over the world, or even Europe.
They were (a) retaking land that had been stolen from them in the Treaty of Versailles, to reunite ethnic German people (people who WANTED to be reunited with their fatherland, Germany), and (b) went into Poland to stop the genocide of the ethnic German people living there (as a result of the borders changing due to the Treaty of Versailles).
He only did this after making multiple requests to other governments around the world to put a stop to the rape, torture, and murder of the German people living in "Poland."
Everyone ignored him -- because they were setting a trap to justify war against Germany.
Have you ever noticed that the corrupt Big Media and the corrupt Big Education institutions NEVER show you in English the things Hitler talked about in his speeches?
They show his fiery body language, and the sound of his speech in German, which to English-speaking ears sounds harsh and "crazy."
What they never do is show you the English translations of what he was really saying.
This is why --
Also, it was Stalin who was planning on invading Europe, and taking over Europe and then the world, not Hitler.
Maybe it's time to unlearn the brainwashing that we have all been exposed to from childhood, and think for ourselves.
So you got a free public education too huh?
UK and France were worried about Germany becoming a more powerful country than they were, and competing for world resources. They wanted to take Germany out, especially once Hitler came to power and turned the depression in Germany into the #1 economy in the world within a few years.
USSR had a communist takeover in 1917, and Stalin was planning on invading Europe and then the world. That was their motive to go to war against Germany.
The US allied with Russia in WW2. Was the US Communist at that point as well?
I mean, you could argue that there were socialist tendencies at that point but the US (or the UK) being as "communist" as the USSR?
Words have meaning.