Probably not if you take out all the illegal votes. But still, it's this way for a reason. Changing it would make fraud in places like California and New York over the top, and no one in the state would say or do a thing about it.
Absolutely NOT!!! This is a Republic. We dont do straight up democracy. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. Democracy is the term and the process by which they have gaslit and conned us into accepting their tyranny. The Framers knew exactly what they were doing and why they were doing it when they rejected democracy as a form of government. The electoral process saves us from this tyranny.
There is a reason why the US originally was set up in a way that much differs from a popular vote executive, plus the influence of the states on senators being much bigger than now.
There is a reason why the dems went for the kill of the constitution ..... slowly but surely.
Electoral needs to go and just go with votes directly from the people ONLY
Electoral got GEOTUS elected over killary
Probably not if you take out all the illegal votes. But still, it's this way for a reason. Changing it would make fraud in places like California and New York over the top, and no one in the state would say or do a thing about it.
Absolutely NOT!!! This is a Republic. We dont do straight up democracy. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. Democracy is the term and the process by which they have gaslit and conned us into accepting their tyranny. The Framers knew exactly what they were doing and why they were doing it when they rejected democracy as a form of government. The electoral process saves us from this tyranny.
Amen-that lady and those who think like her are nuts!!!
There is a reason why the US originally was set up in a way that much differs from a popular vote executive, plus the influence of the states on senators being much bigger than now.
There is a reason why the dems went for the kill of the constitution ..... slowly but surely.