They are now FIXATED on this fiction that Trump and Epstein were best pals
The ironic good news is, linking pedophilia to Trump (even though blatantly false) will make some on the far left start to think pedophilia, child trafficking, and pedophiles are maybe not so cool after all.
The post rolled off of rising and then went nowhere for 10 minutes til it just showed up on the main list. I love and hate you guys from 3 years of interactions. I know it's not an easy job and the pay sucks.
I believe he was one who floated idea that it was made during covid restrictions for being able to gather for services perhaps That not all tunnels are for human trafficking. Which is true. There are tunnels from running bootleg during prohibition that still remain.
He still gives decent content.
It's like the sounds of hell.
nailed it.
Comments are too, a lot of them.
They are now FIXATED on this fiction that Trump and Epstein were best pals
The ironic good news is, linking pedophilia to Trump (even though blatantly false) will make some on the far left start to think pedophilia, child trafficking, and pedophiles are maybe not so cool after all.
"The sounds of hell".
My ears hear these rage and seethe sounds as an " Ode to Joy".
An "Ode to Joy" == Qs link to the "Victory of Life" music vid clip
"Hell is other people." ... Especially the Leftards.
Let's make this happen again. TRUMP 2024.
yeah i searched the latest on him here before i posted. today is dichotomy day for me.
i guess if i don't my posts get shadow banned.
edit- well lookit that.
The post rolled off of rising and then went nowhere for 10 minutes til it just showed up on the main list. I love and hate you guys from 3 years of interactions. I know it's not an easy job and the pay sucks.
Good old Clandy. Stating the obvious boldly.
Yoko Ono's backing singers.
But nah, she'd want a rougher, rawer, more profoundly irritating sound. :p
Bio clandestine: but not secret tunnels under synagogues in Brooklyn
Lol I hope he gets ratio’d for this post
is that what the drama is about, he touched the jew third rail?
No. He’s saying the secret tunnels in Brooklyn are a nothing burger and people should ignore it.
People were like wtf? Secret tunnels are always a red flag in my book. BioC thinks investigating them is a waste of time.
i'd say the guy earned a screwup or two, but that is odd.
I believe he was one who floated idea that it was made during covid restrictions for being able to gather for services perhaps That not all tunnels are for human trafficking. Which is true. There are tunnels from running bootleg during prohibition that still remain. He still gives decent content.
Pretty sad that most of these deranged fucks are white
A friend told me, and I agree with him, the most dangerous person in western society is the white liberal female.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1745225396398747845|twgr^5770995de27fc6df9a5e27363fc11a801001e40a|twcon^s1_&
I don't think it's a good idea to include in the tracker!
yet, clandestine isn't curious about the stained child's mattress in the Chabad tunnel...