"Jet-setting climate con man, John Kerry, speaking at the WEF's annual meeting in Davos: "If you wound up with a different president who was opposed to the climate crisis, I got news for you: No one politician anywhere in the world can undo what is happening now.""
🧠 These m'WEFers are stupid!
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This is the cabal blowhard's version of "nothing can stop what's coming"
We need more CO2, not less. Wisdom is doing the opposite of what the left is pushing.
There's no logic and certainly no debate, which means there's no science. There's only "The $cience™".
That's right- not one politician blah blah blah. Bad news for you crooks is that Trump is not a politician.
No, But 300 million Americans can hang you from the yard arm you greasy fucking traitor.
"The only issue for all of us is not whether or not we can get to a low carbon/no carbon economy globally. We will. The only question is, will we get there in time to meet the challenge of the scientists, in order to avoid the worst consequences of this crisis? That is what is at stake."
"It's the biggest transformation in the economies of the world in all of human history. It's also the greatest business set of opportunities that we've ever known in all of human history."
So there it is-- a "business opportunity".
[laughs in kek]
That's why they're scared, because we the people are bringing in Patriots, not career politicians.
Trouble is, Trump is one man, and even if he manages to appoint all patriots, there’s still Congress to get through. Here next 4 years are gonna make or break us.
** No one politician anywhere in the world can undo what is happening now.”** you are correct horse face, it's going to be the people of the world backing that one politician in each nation.
With God all things are possible.
Note to WEF: He's not on your side.
Its always fun to hear what people sound like from Bizarro world
I remember when he came from Vietnam and was testifying in Washington DC, he tried so much to Mimic JFK even had a river boat similar to JFK PT 109 boat. Why does he even represent USA? Wish he crawl back to his sewer hole in DC