BREAKING: Former Hawaii teacher, Alden Bunag, was sentenced to 17 years in federal prison for making child porn...
Bunag was very upset with "right-wingers" on X popularizing the term "groomers."
🤢 These GROOMERS are sick! 🤮

This jackass wants us to feel sorry for his depression and anxiety? Get bent. Well, I guess you will in prison. 17 years? kek
I do hope that he realizes that the BARS DON'T MOVE and some have even tried putting their heads through them...IT DOESN'T WORK...The bars I mean...
I do hope he enjoys his time in the clink because he will NOT get a "warm" reception when he gets there...
He’s only sorry he got caught.
Won't make it that long. As it should be.
Oh, I think he's gonna get bent (over) pretty damn hard in prison.....
Even most prisoners hate child molesters so much that they generally have to be kept away from the general population.....
I hope he reaps, what he has sown; nothing more, nothing less.
As such, the equivalent of a millstone around his neck (or a shiv in his jugular) seems fair.
Just another thing wrong in this country! We shouldn’t be protecting a child rapist from anyone or anything.
Agreed. Completely agreed.....
He regrets getting caught and going to prison that’s it.