231 Thousands of Schools at Risk of Closing Due to Massive Drop in Enrollment [Good! We don't need to indoctrinate our kids anymore] (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 1 year ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid 1 year ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid +231 / -0 Thousands of Schools at Risk of Closing Due to Massive Drop in Enrollment | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance Thousands of schools in the United States are at risk of closure due to a severe drop in enrollment in recent years. 50 comments share 50 comments share save hide report block hide replies
A trend I hope continues and next step is to give the money from taxes back to the parents to use for their choice of education for their children.
Florida already does this. Open to all with no income limits since last year.
Need school vouchers across the USA
Nope. We don’t need school vouchers. We need the government to get COMPLETELY OUT of EVERYTHING to do with education (and virtually everything else). Children are the responsibility of their parents.
True. Eliminate property taxes.
My point is that it's a local/state fight, and it can be done.
Making me want to move to Florida more and more…..
They still make you pay taxes (property tax) with yearly increases.
Teacher Unions/US Department of Education must be dealt with. Any ideas?
Yup, close them down. Only local school governance.
I’ve said that my whole life.