Apologies for the X link but reports that Soros suffered a stroke while Speaking publicly and his speech definitely does go very garbled… worth a look
Apologies for the X link but reports that Soros suffered a stroke while Speaking publicly and his speech definitely does go very garbled… worth a look
I hope he doesn't die before we get a chance to hang him.
I will find it a bit disappointing if he passes away before he is tried for his crimes and sentenced.
He would be a great way to christen the geriatric ward in Gitmo.
This guy has been this old for 40 years , do they just rotate new people to take their name every 10 years . It seems as though these demons live a long long time .
Exactly , friggin prehistoric lizard
Looks like one to me. My dad had a couple.
It sounds like they've slowed down the video right around the 9 sec mark.
Agree it seems like whatever happened was exaggerated for dramatic effect
C'mon you slimeball... SPI SPI Spit it the fuck out... Go take a dirtnap.
HAHAHA I hope he rots
One can only hope...
Palpatine be struggling
Nitter link:
7 metres! I’m going to have waterfront property. Sweet
Sure wish I could be there. For a lot of reasons, but not the least of which would be to laugh in his stammering face.
7 meters is 22.9 feet. Raising the oceans by that much would take how much water? A think the technical term is a shit ton of water. I don't think there's that much available. The goblin is lying.
In the future, the good guys need to do a much better job of defending humanity from these monsters. Letting them run around is flat out evil and negligent.