He probably went along with who ever was grooming him, but alas his first love put him on the right track!
I think the agenda is deeper. “They” want to eliminate the female sex as they want to eliminate white people. Eliminating biological females would be a sort of birth control.
Probably the 4 year old is sexually abused.
The destruction of a child’s mental health through encouragement of gender confusion for both children in this fiasco.
These fricking weirdos want to make the whole of society mentally ill.
"Third of Children Put on Puberty Blockers Saw Mental Health ‘Reliably Deteriorate’, UK Researchers Find" ya think??
As a four-year-old, the poor kid is probably trying to tell everyone he's a boy, not a girl.
Exactly like look look I have a wiener I’m a boy it’s just my crazy mom that’s doing this
He probably went along with who ever was grooming him, but alas his first love put him on the right track!
Okay….now, I think the agenda is deeper. “They” want to eliminate the female sex as they want to eliminate white people. Eliminating biological females would be a sort of birth control.
There is something wrong with the parents.
Stop reading after “allowed a 4 YEAR OLD…”
I mean, kudos to the kid, he's probably having a ball putting one over on his parents and teachers...
He obviously has a few issues.
At the age of four this is all the parent/s and their munchausen syndrome.
It's very sick people trying to appear normal.
So insane and sad. Where does it lead?
A proper lady does not sport a John Thomas.
WE know that but the swamp creatures like to fool the people with their baphomets.
Did he get a golden ticket?
What's that?
Stupid Wonk(a) humor
Lol...ok. don't know any wonk(a) humor....is that like a thing from the islands?
Wonka, Willy, Golden Ticket, chocolate bar,
Lol....I'm slow. Willy, willy slow sometimes. 🤣
And in other news Nabisco offers chocolate bar with Viagra chips...(kidding)
You have a wicked sense of humor, lol...