Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Since the snow has melted, I'm back to riding my bicycle to work as much as I can. Yesterday on my way to work, I had my gym bag stuffed in my rear basket along with other items so that I could work out after work. At the end of the day, I realized that my shoe bag had fallen out from my gym bag along the way. So I re-traced my route home but could not find my blue shoe bag. Then this morning I saw it, hanging from the fence next to a small parking lot on the side street I took. If it was hanging there yesterday evening, I did not see it. But now I have my gym shoes back!
I swear, I cannot imagine this happening to me in America. Even if someone was kind enough to hang the shoe bag on a fence like that, someone else would just swipe it. "Oh look, it's a loaf of bread that AOC talks about!" Japan is not a Christian nation, but in general they are far more considerate of others. I never lock my bicycle anywhere I park, and I leave my helmet and gloves in the back basket. Nobody ever swipes my stuff.
Japan is a magical place. People do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. Very interesting culture, and a wonderful place to be.
It's just sad because Western culture has dropped the ball. So many reasons to list, but it shows that Japan can tap into the universal morality without invoking God's name directly. I've often thought about what it would take to awaken American society to the level of what I can appreciate here in Japan. All of the cultural "diversity" wears away on social cohesion and moral relativism are two major factors.
You also have to keep in mind, the reason the Cabal’s not so hard after Japan, it’s because they’re not Christian. They don’t have to worry about those souls going to hell. They may have a wonderful society, and a beautiful country… But they are an island, and they have strict immigration laws, which makes a huge difference on how things turn out for a Society. You’re living in one of the nicest societies outside of America, actually… I think better than America now. But I think the percentage of Christians living in Japan is under 5%.
We all know the deep state Cabal is run by satanic pedophiles. They hate Jesus Christ, and they hate anybody who is made in his image. If you look at the map of the world right now, it’s all the Christian nations that are being attacked. Satan doesn’t want anybody to go to heaven. He’s going to take as many people with him as possible.
Also, Japan is so far advanced in technology, and there ability to use electronic payments. It’s weird because it used to be an all cash society. Women were well-known financial savers, and they would go to the banks with their brown bags and pay their mortgages in cash. Even back in 2011 after the tsunami, bags and boxes of cash were washing up on the shores.
Japanese people are very unique, and they have a very interesting society. But I think they have one of the highest suicide rate because of the pressures put on them from their parents to be best 24 seven.
There's a revival going on in Japan. Many youths are turning to Jesus because they're waking up and realizing without the holy spirit, it's empty inside. I saw youtube videos of it the other day, gotta find it again.
Curious why you moved to Japan (with out giving away privacy info). Was it a job, school, love? Just wanted to get away from (I believe) America? Sometimes I’m envious of people that pick up and move out of the country. In the long run I’m glad I stayed where I was raised because I got an extra 30 years with my grandparents who were more like parents.
A bit of yes to all the questions. I worked in Japan right after college for 2 years and enjoyed it. I married a J-girl and we're about to celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary next month. I've just always felt happier in Japan and my wife did not care for living in America. The "American dream" has been murdered by the Uniparty, so after nearly 10 years of a tumultuous life in America, we moved back to Japan where although I'm not making as much, work is consistent each year and we aren't plummeting into debt. Rent is far cheaper here than Arizona currently.
I'll tell you that it took a LOT of courage to move to Japan both times, and especially the second time because by then we had a toddler. When I moved back to Arizona after 2 years in Japan and was then a newlywed, I suffered from what I suppose you could call a "dysphoria." Reverse culture shock hit me hard. We'd visit her family each year in Japan and every time we came back, I felt as though I was reunited with a version of myself who had stayed in Japan. I don't know how else to say it, but I am certain that God gave me a heart for Japan in my late teen years and has a purpose for me being here.
If you wanna know more, send me a private message on here.
God bless you. It's nice hearing you were able to spend time with your grandparents. I noticed many who moved to foreign countries when they were younger often feel lonely and in their later years have big regrets over the lost times they could have spent with their parents and grandparents.
Cabal purposefully botched Christianity ministry attempts in Japan. Note modern western ministry spends more money and resourced in SEA and Korea than Japan because it is assumed to be a lost cause there
If Christianity had succeeded before 20th century in Japan dare I say they'd be in the top 5 globally. It would be like the floating pyramid we wuz kangz memes but for real
I am still baffled why they thought talking about sin so much was going to work
My dad told me of how MacArthur pleaded, "Send the missionaries" after the war, but the call was ignored. Christian forgiveness was kept in check by false flag hoax that the attack on Pearl Harbor was a dirty sneak attack which came without without warning.
South Korea has quite a number of Christians. I remember taking off from Seoul at dusk once, and the number of illuminated crosses atop churches shining across the cityscape...
Nice story. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you were able to find them.
Some places are still like that in America. It doesn't seem like it but I know one place where the majority of people are decent. It's not a popular place and out away from the bigger city lights. I'm not telling where it is for fear of spoiling it... I may never live there but have friends there. Hopefully we can get America back to that kind of civility in our civilization. Good for you fren to be a part of yours!
Can confirm, I live part time on Kauai. All along the side of the road, you’ll find fruit stands in flower stands. There’s usually a box or a jar that you put the money in, it’s all by the honor system. I bought some avocados ones, and it was a big jar, just full of money, sitting there next to the avocados. People say Hawaii is blue, but it’s not maybe Honolulu years, but not Kauai, in Hanalei bay, or Princeville, or Kilauea. Lots of Christians and wonderful people live there.
I can’t speak for him, but he’s only one person. But… The people that are doing work on my family’s house right now actually are his neighbors. Weird, huh? They’re literally next-door neighbors to Mark Zuckerberg.
Glad you got them back. There’s usually nice people around even if we don’t see or interact with them. I left my phone on a shelf in a store once because I was careless looking at something on the shelf. Once I realized it I went to CS and they had my phone. On the flip side I’ve experienced the opposite. About twenty years ago I dropped my phone in the Walmart parking lot and didn’t realize it till I got home. It was a flip phone or maybe one scale up from it, no internet. I called it and this woman answered. I was excited and said you found my phone. She says I can get it back if I pay her. I said enjoy it while you can. Hung up and called you phone company. Told them it was stolen. The rep was nice enough to advise me to say it’s lost. Insurance would not pay if stolen. We don’t have insurance now. Don’t pay for insurance now.
That sucks because they should be able to track the person down with the phone.