They fear two things: first, humanizing Putin after they have spent so much effort dehumanizing him. Second is exposing truths, including but not limited to Ukraine and what the DS was doing there.
The MSM is spasming because Tucker got an enormous scoop that anyone else in the MSM could have had- if their ranks were filled with honest journalists, instead of establishment propagandists. They be jelly.
They fear two things: first, humanizing Putin after they have spent so much effort dehumanizing him. Second is exposing truths, including but not limited to Ukraine and what the DS was doing there.
The MSM is spasming because Tucker got an enormous scoop that anyone else in the MSM could have had- if their ranks were filled with honest journalists, instead of establishment propagandists. They be jelly.
Hopefully he does a better job than Megyn Kelly.
Everyone does a better job than Megyn Kelly.
Of course he will!
Some of the commenters obviously still haven't taken any antidotes for the kool-aid they've been force fed their entire lives.
Apparently Tucker is guilty of promoting Russian propaganda such as Ukrainian bio-labs.
FFS, has that knowledge not gone mainstream yet? We need to do better.
Was thinking the exact same thing
Bots, bots and more bots. Paid shills. And lastly the 4 to 6%. The amplitude of their true voice is magnitudes lower than what they make it appear.
Another new and fitting word: spasming.
After that interview go to Canada to interview El Comandante Fidel Castro “SON”
Can you imagine if someone like Tucker could have interviewed Hitler?!?
It would end up with a lot of new Hitler fans.